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Words Of The Spirit

                                                            Given OCTOBER 10, 2008


I speak unto thee this day I say be glad that I the Living God do give thee what you have need of day by day. I say that you are living in a time when many are weak, when many are ineffectual, when many are debilitated. I say that they are the ones who make the claim that they are my people yet I say that they do not reflect the strength, the power, the glory of who I am. But I say instead they reflect that which is death, that which is decay, that which is distress. I say that I the Living God never called my people to live in such a space, no not at all. But I say that I have intended that my own people would be vibrantly alive, alert in me. I say that I have intended that my own people would be coming forth uplifted, rejoicing always.

I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to be ever believing and trusting in. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to be thankful that you can be uplifted and guided, directed and instructed in the truth of who I am. I say that it is me the Living God who is blessedness, it is me the Living God who is mercy and life. I say if you will keep stayed in your focus, that is upon me, I say that you will be kept always. I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee what you have need of to be strengthened in me. I say that I have never called thee to a bed of ease, no not at all. But I say that I have called thee to be ever laboring for me, for I am thy God. I say that you are living in a wicked and perverse generation when men have aspired to acquire all that the world contains.

That is, they have accumulated and heaped to themselves riches and treasures that will only destroy their souls. I say they have thought that they would live in a state of perfect bliss. But I say that by the same they are made weaker and more miserable than they were before. I say that I the Living God never intended that men would be rich and increased with goods with need of nothing and laying on a bed of ease. I say that I never intended that my own people would seek only for the riches of this world that pass away. Yet because my people have bought the lies of the world and swallowed the same I say they are weak and unable to stand for me.

But I say that they give themselves to indulgence, they give themselves to wasted living, they give themselves to vanity day by day. I say because they are giving themselves to those things they are taken away from the truth. I say they are taken away from the endurance that I desire of my own and they are taken into a ditch. I say that I the Living God never called thee to be taken into a ditch, but I call thee to come forth in the truth. I say that I call thee to be uplifted in the light, the strength, the power, the glory of who I am. I say that I have called thee to endure steadfastly in me, declaring the truth. I say that my people are not meant to be weakened and enfeebled because they have given themselves to debauchery.

But I say that my people are meant to resist steadfastly those things that contaminate, those things that weaken, those things that destroy. I say there are multitudes in this generation who should be vibrant, healthy, alive and strong in me, yet I say they are none of those things because they have given themselves to the table of the world. They have eaten of those things that weaken and destroy their fiber in me. I say all the while they think that they are having the good life but I say that the same is killing them. I say that I the Living God never called thee to seek for a place of riches, to seek for a place of treasure in this world. I say that I have never called thee to long for the bed of ease whereby you become lazy and slothful before me.

But I say that I have called thee to be ever thankful, to be exercised, to be kept alive in spirit. I say you are meant to be full of the strength, the power, the glory, the life of who I am. I say that you are meant to be constant, continual in your labor before me. I say that it is me the Living God who finds pleasure in a people who will live long and bear much fruit upon the earth. I say why should I find pleasure in a weak, a sick, a disabled people who are ever and chronically complaining and crippled in my sight? That is, they are incapable of doing service unto me because they have sought for pleasure. I say that they are incapable of declaring me because they are so weak.

I say that I the Living God do not find pleasure when my people are invalids in spirit, that is when they have so weakened themselves through their sins, through their debaucheries and defilements with the world, that they have no strength in me. I say that my people are not meant to be retarded imbeciles, nor are they meant to be invalids. But I say that my people are meant to be vibrantly strong and alive in me. Therefore I say even today be thankful for the way that I take thee, for I do keep thee alive. I say be thankful for the privilege to buffet your own flesh and put it in subjectivity unto me. I say be thankful that you can be uplifted, brought forth and directed in the light that I give thee. I say if it is me the Living God that you will continue to seek to please and obey, it is me the Living God who will cause thee to be brought forth.

It is me the Living God who will cause thee to be ever uplifted, giving praise always. I say that it is me the Living God who will give unto thee the truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am. It is me the Living God who will direct thee and guide thee in the blessedness that I have purposed for thee. I say if it is me the Living God that you will keep ever believing and trusting in, it is me the Living God who will bring thee forth. I say that you will be able to rejoice always.

Therefore I say let it be me that you continue to look to, let it be me that you will believe in and trust always. Let it be me that you will follow after, for I say that I give thee the truth of who I am. I say that I the Living God do give thee the circumstances, the trying of thy faith, to cause thee to continue to be strengthened in me. I say that I do not desire nor find delight in a people who are weak and enfeebled before me. Therefore I say be thankful for everything that I the Living God do cause in your lives to cause you to cry out. I say if you will keep crying out unto me you will be strengthened by me. But I say if you become self-reliant and dependent upon the things of the world I say that you are liable for a fall. I say that you will fall into the arms of the destroyer and likewise be devoured.

I say that I the Living God do not desire thee to be destroyed, to be devoured, no not at all. But I say that I desire thee to be uplifted, brought forth in the strength, the light, the truth, the glory of who I am. I say that I call thee to be ever thankful unto me that I give thee the truth. I say that I call thee to be ever thankful unto me that I bring thee forth in the light, the life of who I am. Therefore I say even today be glad that it is me that you are privileged to look unto, be glad that it is me that you are privileged to obey. Be glad that it is me the Living God who does purpose thee in the truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am. I say be glad that you can be guided, directed, and instructed always by me.

I say if you will indeed keep focused upon me, you will be kept by me day by day. I say that you will be uplifted and shown that it is me the Living God who is the way of truth, the way of light, the way of mercy intended. I say this day be thankful for the privilege to be alive in me. I say be thankful for the privilege to bear witness of the truth, to stand against the odds that the enemy would hurl at thee. I say if you are ever drawing your strength of me you do not need to be afraid. But I say you can continue in the way that is my life, the way that is my truth and my mercy.

Therefore I say even today be glad that you are privileged to be strengthened by me. I say that I the Living God find pleasure in a people who will continue to labor steadfastly for my Kingdom. I say that I do not find pleasure in those who are simply seeking for the indulgence of self and claim that it is me. I say there are multitudes who are deceived even now by the deceitfulness of riches. They seem to think if they gain all that the world can give that somehow it shows that I have put my blessing upon them. But I say they are deceived by their own greedy hearts and by their own covetous lusts.

I say that I do not call my people to be over abundant in the things of this world but I call my people to the abundance that is found in me. That is the abundance of spirit truth, spirit strength, and spirit life. I say do not be deceived by the demons that would seek to devour thee and cause thee to look only for the comfort, the cuddling, the coddling of your own flesh. But I say rather buffet your flesh and bring it into subjectivity to me. I say that you are not meant to be soft, ever worried about your own comforts, your own lusts, your own desires. But I say you are meant to be a people stalwart, standing valiantly for the truth. I say that you are meant to be coming forth resisting the temptation to sin. I say you are meant to be thankful that it is me that you can serve.

Therefore I say even today let it be me that you look to in faith, and in hope, and in confidence, let it be me that you will believe. I say that if you will continue to obey me you will be brought forth by me. I say if you will continue to fight the good fight, ever crying out unto me to strengthen thee, I say that you will be strong.

For I say that it is me the Living God who is ever present to give thee the strength, the power, the glory of who I am. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to be brought forth valiant for the truth. I say this day do not look for a place where you can lay up and indulge and pamper your flesh. But I say rather look to continue steadfast in battle before me the Living God. I say I have never called thee to be the ones who give themselves continually to the indulgence of self. I say that I have called thee to be the ones who will resist such a temptation and stand in me. I say that I the Living God find pleasure in a people who will seek for the treasure of my Kingdom day by day. I say that I find pleasure in a people who will not pursue the vanities of the worldlings but will pursue the things that I desire.

I say that you are meant to serve, to please, obey and follow after me. Therefore I say be thankful, ever thankful, ever thankful unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who will uplift thee, direct thee and guide thee day by day. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to come forth strengthened in me. It is me the Living God who will keep thee alive as you keep yourselves in me.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!