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Words Of The Spirit

Message #3174


I speak unto thee this day I say be ever thankful that it is me the Living God that you can keep looking unto. I say that you are living in a time when many men shall lose out, I say they shall collapse from fear and dread of what is coming upon the sons of men. I say while they have fatted themselves and lived in luxury, lived in abundance, lived in foolishness, I say the hour is at hand when it shall be brought to nought. That is, all of their vanities and vexations shall be revealed for what they are. I say that it is the time when I the Living God will bring forth my wrath, my fury, my indignation against all who wallow themselves in what they assume to be their blessings. For I say that their blessings do not come of me the Living God but I say that they come of the wicked one sent to destroy.

I say that you are living in a time when men have lost their senses in the fact that they do not know any longer how to abide satisfied. But I say they lust and lust, and lust and must have everything and still desire more all their days. I say because they are living in such a state of unrest, a state of constant desire, a state of continual lust, I say they are in great sorrow and devastation. I say that it is me the Living God who will bring down my wrath, my fury, my indignation against them, and they shall be left with nothing. I say then they will moan and groan and think about how much they had and I say that will be a grief unto them. I say that they have given themselves to covetous lust and they can never abide satisfied. But I say that I the Living God never called men to dwell in such places no not at all.

But I say that I have called men to abide satisfied in me and what it is that I give. I say if the ones who are my people will keep looking unto me, and abiding in me, I say that they will be kept. But I say that the ones who have given themselves to lustfulness, I say they will be destroyed. I say in this wicked and perverse generation that men have ceased to bridle themselves, I say they have stopped keeping themselves in control. I say they have given themselves over to the lust of every thing at all times, and I say the same will destroy them. For I the Living God never called men to be continually lusting and longing for that which is death. But I say that I have called men to be coming forth in the way that I provide, which is the way of life.

Therefore I say let it be me the Living God that you give the thanks, the praise unto, let it be me that you will follow after. I say if you will give the thanks and praise unto me, I say that you are kept always. If you will give the thanks, the praise unto me, I say you are guided in life. It is me the Living God who will give thee the life, give thee the strength, give thee the mercy of who I am. It is me the Living God who will uplift and direct thee, lead and guide thee all of thy days. I say that it is me the Living God who is the mercy and truth, the life and light intended for my own. I say when my own people will walk circumspectly redeeming the time, being directed by me, I say they will receive of the blessedness that I provide. And when my people will walk circumspectly redeeming the time, that is walking uprightly before me, I say that they will receive the mercies that I do give. I say that it is me the Living God who is the blessedness, it is me the Living God who is the mercy, it is me the Living God who is the way of life.

I say if my people who are called by my name will keep looking unto me, I say that they will be kept always. Yes indeed they will be guided, directed and instructed in the truth that I delight to provide. Therefore I say be ever thankful that it is me the Living God who will give and give, and give unto thee. I say be ever thankful that it is me the Living God who will provide thee with what you have need of time and again. Be ever thankful that it is me the Living God that you can be receiving of. I say that it is me the Living God who will give unto thee the manifold mercies of who I am. It is me the Living God who will provide thee with the abundance that I delight to give thee and you will rejoice always.

Therefore I say be ever thankful that you can be receiving of me, that you can be looking unto me, that you can be partaking of me. I say be ever thankful that it is me the Living God who will uplift and direct, lead and guide thee for ye are mine. I say when you will be partaking of all that I give thee, I say that you are kept day by day. I say that it is me the Living God who will give my mercy unto those who are trusting in me. But I say that the ones who are trusting in the systems of man, trusting in their own selves, trusting in their lusts and covetous desire, I say they will have a very rude awakening. For I say that you are moving into times when I the Living God indeed will cause men to hunger even for their daily bread. I say that I will cause men to gnaw even upon the bone that has no meat.

I say that men shall be reduced in all of their elegance, in all of their luxury, in all of their vanity. I say that they will be brought to nought by the things that I the Living God am bringing to the sons of men. I say that it is the time, the hour when I will bring the devastation, when I will bring the destruction, when I will bring the demise. I say that it is the time, the hour that I the Living God will bring forth my wrath, my fury, my indignation. I say that their garments do hang upon them in looseness because they have lost their assurance. That is they have lost the prosperity of their over eating, and they will remain in their slimness. It is me the Living God who is bringing this forth upon the sons of men. I say that men shall even spend the day searching for food because of desperation. I say that it is the time when I the Living God will bring down the proud, the haughty, the full, and I say that they will cry out in the agony of desperation.

I say therefore this day let it be me the Living God that you will keep trusting in, let it be the Living God that you will keep looking unto. If it is me that you will be looking unto I say you will be kept always. If it is me that you will be believing, I say that it is of me that you will be receiving. I say that I the Living God will give and give, and give unto thee time and again. I say that you will see that yes indeed I am thy ever present help in time of need and I do make the way. Therefore I say be glad to be looking unto me, be glad to be believing in me, be glad to be receiving of me day by day. I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to look to, it is me the Living God that you are meant to believe in and trust.

It is me the Living God that you are meant to be partaking of time and again for I am the rock of refuge unto thee. I say that it is me that you are meant to receive of, it is me that you are meant to receive of, believe in, and trust always. For I say that I the Living God will give thee the mercy, give thee the blessedness, give thee the provision that I alone can provide. I say that I will continue to bring unto thee such as you have need of as you are but looking to me. I say that I will continue to bring unto thee such as you have need of as you are but trusting in my way. I say that it is me the Living God and me alone who will provide for thee. It is me the Living God and me alone who will uplift thee and bring thee forth that you can rejoice in the blessedness that I offer unto thee.

Therefore I say this day know that in the days of great sorrow, in the days of great need, in the days of devastation, that I the Living God will keep my own. I say that it is me the Living God who will provide the mercy, provide the goodness, provide the life. It is me the Living God who will give unto those who are trusting in me, such as they need. I say that yes, indeed I am well able if you will but look to me. Yes, indeed I am well able if you will keep trusting, believing, and partaking of me day by day. I say that there is no good thing, that I will withhold from those who walk uprightly, from those who look unto me, from those who believe. It is me the Living God who is well able to provide, and provide, and provide. It is me the Living God who is well able to give unto my own such as they have need of all of their days. I say that it is not a difficult thing for me the Living God to feed my own even in the times of famine.

I say that I am well able, I say that I provide, I say that I give to the needy. Therefore I say this day keep thy selves stayed upon me and I will come to thee. I say that the sufferings that shall beset the sons of men will not take thee into the grave. But I say that you will continue steadfast as you are believing in me. I say that you will continue steadfast as you are trusting that I am able. It is me the Living God who is well able to give unto thee, well able to supply thee, well able to provide for thee. It is me the Living God who will indeed direct and uplift thee, lead and guide thee in the way that is my truth. I say if you will keep focused upon me, that I the Living God continue to provide. If you will keep focused upon me, that I the Living God make the way for thee.

Therefore I say be ever thankful for the privilege to look to me, for the privilege to receive of me, for the privilege to draw of me. I say be ever thankful that it is me the Living God who will pour forth upon thee all that you have need of. I say indeed when men are literally in starvation I say that I provide for thee. I say if it is me the Living God that you look to, it is me the Living God who will make the way. I say this day stop and consider that it is me the Living God who does bring forth my judgments against the haughty, the proud, the wasteful, the arrogant, the fatted, the full. It is me the Living God who will bring down those who have lived in riotous living, who have lived in carelessness and pride, who have lived in the way of their own wanton abandonment unto sin.

I say that they shall be brought to nothing because they have had no respect for me. I say that I the Living God desire thee to be respectful of me for I alone am thy God. I say that I desire thee to be respectful of me for I am thy maker. I say when it is me that you will keep trusting, when it is me that you will keep believing, I say you are brought forth in life. It is me the Living God who will give thee the glory of who I am. It is me the Living God who will uplift and bring forth the ones who will be dependent, reliant upon me. It is me the Living God who will uplift and bring forth the ones who are ever giving thanks and praise that it is me the Living God who does provide.

I say even today be glad that you can be receiving of me, believing in me, partaking of me. Be glad that you can be the recipients of that which I give thee time and again. I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness, give thee the mercy, give thee the truth of who I am. It is me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness of who I am. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to come forth, rejoicing that I am the one who does provide for thee.

I say this day be thankful that it is me who will keep thee, that it is me who will provide for thee, that it is me who will show thee that I am able. You do not need to live in the fear that the sons of men are living in but live in confidence in me. I say that the ones who are trusting in me shall not be ashamed. I say the ones believing in me, will be brought forth for I will bring them forth.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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