Glossolalia -or- Speaking in Tongues Donald Lee Barnett D.D. (First printing 1969) [emph., punct., and brackets added] QUESTION: “Can't I be baptized in the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues?” ANSWER: The answer to the question asked is not so much that one NEEDS to speak in tongues, as it is that he WILL speak in tongues. Just as water is the visible sign of being baptized into Christ's death, (Rom 6:3) so tongues is the visible sign of the Spirit baptism. Those who are not willing to receive the Holy Spirit God's way, do not receive. Charles Finney said: "I have known persons to remain for weeks in great tribulation of mind, pressed by the Spirit; but they could make no progress until the point upon which they were committed was yielded." I have myself, known of several cases where SOMEONE COULD NOT RECEIVE THE BAPTISM UNTIL HE OR SHE BECAME SO HUNGRY FOR GOD THAT THEY NO LONGER CARED WHAT OTHERS THOUGHT ABOUT THEM. The Biblical pattern is for tongues to accompany the receiving of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:6). Even in Acts 8:18 where tongues are not specifically mentioned, the internal weight of evidence would favor this practice (compare Acts 2:4 with 2:16-18; Acts 9:17 with 1 Cor 14:18). In 1960, Father Bennett received a call from a fellow priest in Van Nuys, California, who had noticed something mysterious happening in his church. Two of the parishioners had suddenly begun to attend every service, bringing friends, volunteering for jobs, and tripling their giving. It was found that these two had received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the attended speaking in tongues. After visiting a prayer meeting with several newly baptized believers, Father Bennett asked to be prayed for that he might also receive. "But’" said Father Bennett, "I'd like the Baptism without tongues." “Sorry, Father,” he was told, "But the tongues come with the package. At least, in the Bible, this is the normal sequence." And when Rev. Bennett did receive, it was not without the experience of glossolalia, which he never regretted. I NEVER teach anyone to seek tongues; but I do council them to be willing to yield their speech faculties to the Holy Spirit. We seek the Holy Spirit, not tongues—BUT TONGUES IS THE EVIDENCE OF BEING FILLED. Notice that Luke tells us that upon the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost, “FOR they HEARD them speak with tongues” (Acts 10:45-46). Verses 45 and 46 are rendered as one sentence in Nestle's, Diaglott, Rotherham, etc. Paul expected converts to KNOW whether they were filled; expecting a definite experience subsequent to conversion (Acts 19:2, 6). WE SHOULD NOT FEAR THE GIFT(S) OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, for He will not give a stone when we ask for bread—but He will surely give the Holy Ghost IF we ask and seek (Lu. 11:9-13; Mtt. 5:6). When the tongue is yielded, all other less unruly members are also yielded (Ja. 3:2-8). Speaking in an unknown tongue by the Spirit, therefore, indicates that ALL of the faculties of that person are yielded to God. Hence, tongues are a sign of being completely yielded—so as to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. This question brings the following questions to my mind: 1. "What is the matter with the Scriptural pattern of speaking in tongues when one receives the Holy Spirit?" (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:2, 6). Paul thanked God that he DID speak in tongues (I Cor. 14:18). 2. Can it be that Christians have too much pride to follow the example of Paul and other early Christians? 3. Are they too afraid of what others who do not understand these spiritual things will say? 4. ARE THEY FEARFUL OF TRUSTING THEMSELVES TO THE HOLY SPIRIT? 5. Is it that many cannot believe that God gives His gifts for a purpose, and therefore they question the value of tongues? The Bible says that the things of the Spirit are foolishness to men (I Cor. 2:13, 14). Were not the 120 mocked on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:13). Was not Jesus spit upon (Mtt. 27:30), the Baptist accused of having a demon (Luke 7:33), and Paul charged with being mad (Acts 26:24)? David was despised for dancing in the Spirit (II Sam 6:14, 16), Phillip was caught away by the Spirit (Acts 8:39), and John fell as dead before the Lord (Rev 1:17). Paul had revelations (Eph 3:3) and sent out anointed aprons (Acts 19:12). Do we believe in these miracles? Would we be ashamed to do likewise? Can we honestly by-pass glossolalia and these other charismatic experiences by relegating them to Bible days? Luther talked with the devil and even threw an ink stand at his apparition. Wesley groaned for hours in the Spirit without uttering a word. On another occasion, he tells of being flooded with intense light, much as Saul of Tarsus was. Finney also was flooded with light that was too intense for his eyes and that almost prostrated him to the ground. Is it possible that these great men of God and countless others that have been the bulwarks of the faith are fanatics?, or insane?, or liars? Similar events still happen quite frequently; men's needs remain the same; and, of course, Jesus is the same. QUESTION: “Is it not true that the two oldest manuscripts do not contain Mk. 16:9-20; and therefore, the reference to tongues in v. 17 is without true authority?” ANSWER: NO, this statement, although often heard and seen in print, is not quite correct and is very misleading. MSS (manuscripts) B and Aleph are often referred to as the two oldest MSS because they are the oldest "substantially complete" Greek MSS. And it is true that in this case the oldest MSS (John Rylands, Eggerton, and Chester Beatty MSS) do not contain the Book of Mark, and so, naturally, cannot enter into the evidence on the question of Mark 16 here. But, not only do the oldest two substantially complete MSS not constitute final authority on any MS question, but there is evidence to suggest that Mk. 16:9-20 belongs in at least one of them. Manuscript B has a large blank area after Mk. 19:9, large enough to include the remainder of the chapter. J. N. Darby says that this blank area is proof that the copyist must have been copying from an obliterated or torn M5, and left a space hoping it could be filled in later from another source. It is true that MS Aleph does not contain these verses, but MSS A, C, and D (the next oldest Gr. [=Greek] M55) do. Jay Green, author of The Multilinear Translation of the New Testament says in a note on Mk. 16:9-2U: B leaves a blank column where this last portion of Mark would have appeared. Aleph in this section is loosely copied, having fully enough excess space to accommodate these twelve verses. The "Vetus Itala," the Latin Vulgate and all Latin Versions from Ambrose and St. Augustus on, contain Mk. 16:17. The "Vetus Itala" MS is approximately 200 years older than MS Aleph (which omits this portion of Scripture). The Gospels which Jerome translated from older Gr. MSS, appeared in 383 A.D., a date not far from that of the Aleph MS. There are sixteen 2nd and 3rd century writings of the early church fathers that quote from the last portion of Mark's Gospel. Inasmuch as these writers lived prior to the writing of M55 B and Aleph, the probability of Mk. 16:17 being authentic is very strong. Out of 618 Gr. MSS that contain the Gospels, only two do not have these verses—Dake’s Annotated Bible. The Syriac (2nd C.), Sahidic (3rd C.), Coptic (4th C.), Gothic (4th C. and later), the Egyptian versions, the Eithioptic (4th C.), the Armenian (Sth C.), and Georgian (6th C.) all have Mark's reference to other tongues. In fact, there are only two important MSS (besides B and Aleph) that do not have these verses: The old Latin MS R and an early Syriac MS discovered at Mt. Sinai in 1892 by Agnes S. Lewis. It would be inconceivable (and most evangelical scholars agree) for the Holy Ghost to have inspired Mark to end his epistle in the middle of the account of the Resurrection news, with the closing words of Mk. 16:8 "and they were afraid." Dummelow says that this Resurrection account would be unaccountably brief, if this were so. Rev. Dummelow comments on the later part of Mark, in his popular Bible Commentary, in these words: "From the 2nd Century onwards, in nearly all MSS, versions, and other authorities, it forms an integral part of the Gospels, and it can be shown to have existed, if not in the Apostolic, at least in the sub-apostolic age. There is a certain amount of evidence against it (though very little can be shown to be independent of Eusebius, the Church Historian, 265-340 A.D.), but certainly not enough to justify its rejection." Summary of Evidence Century Manuscript Mk. 16:17? 2nd Vetus Itala (Latin) yes 2nd Church Fathers (Quotes) yes 2nd Curetonian (Syriac) yes 3rd Church Fathers (Quotes) yes 3rd Sahidic (Egyptian) yes 3rd Old Latin MSS yes 4th MSS B (Greek) Space left 4th MS Aleph (Greek) no 4th? MS K (Latin) no 4th All other Latin MS yes 4th? Syriac MS (Agnes Lewis) no 4th Gothic MSS yes 4th Coptic MSS yes 4th Egyptian MSS yes 4th Peshitto (Aramaic) [Note*] yes 4th Church Fathers yes 4th Latin Vulgate yes 4th-5th Freer MS W (Greek) yes 5th MS A (Greek) yes 5th MS C (Greek) yes 5th Latin MSS yes 5th Armenian MSS yes 5th Gothic MSS yes 5th Coptic MSS yes 5th Aramaic yes 6th MS D (Greek) yes [Note*—"Some" say 150 A.D., but this seems highly doubtful, as most experts agree.] The 8th Century Gr. MS L has a different shorter ending (quite clearly a late change, according to most authorities). Most scholars agree that whether the last part of Mark was written by John Mark or by another, and whether or not it is exactly the same Mark [who] wrote it, that it none the less has an authentic foundation, and is substantially correct. Almostost all scholars think that Mark's original Gospel continued past v. 8 (including: Westcott and Hort, Nestle, Young, Darby, Beza, Rotherham, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Alford, Erasmus, and Calvin). The preponderant weight of evidence favors Mk. 16:9-20 as being authentic; but even if it were not, we have many other Scriptures that confirm the same truth. From the book “GLOSSOLALIA” Replies to Anti-Pentecostal Charges Donald Lee Barnett D.D. (First printing 1969) ASSERTION: “Every believer has the indwelling of the Holy Ghost; without it, one cannot be saved.” REPLY: It is impossible for believers to have the Holy Spirit DWELLING in them if they have not RECEIVED Him; and Acts 8:15-17 states very plainly that those who believed in Jesus and were baptized in water, in His name, did not RECEIVE the Holy Ghost until after the Apostles came down from Jerusalem, and laid hands upon them. Up until this time, the Holy Ghost had FALLEN upon none of them (v.16). "Fallen"—the term used here is the same one used in Acts 10:44 when the Holy Spirit FELL on all that heard the word, at which time they spoke in tongues. I Jn. 4:13 is one of the main Scriptures used to endeavor to show that every believer has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is falsely assumed that because this verse says "we know we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit," that we receive the Holy Spirit at conversion. There are several objections to this view-point : (1) Many have assumed that the apostolic church was similar to Christendom today, that they did not speak in tongues, that the addressees did not have the Pentecostal experience. Conversely, if all new converts followed the pattern in Acts, and were baptized in both water and the Spirit—evidenced by tongues—these scriptures would not support their theory. The weight of evidence favors the opinion that the early church was thoroughly Pentecostal in experience. The reasons for believing this are as follows: (a) The Apostles laid great emphasis on RECEIVING the Holy Ghost as soon as possible AFTER the unconverted became believers (Acts 8:14-16; 19:2; 2:38). (b) Jesus said that believers (in the full sense) would speak with new tongues (Mk. 16:17). (c) Tongues were (and still are) a sign of the infilling (I Sa. 28:11-12 with 11:10, with I Cor. 19:21) ([Also] see Acts 2:4; 8:44-47; 19:6). (d) The early church had precedent for seeking the Holy Spirit (Lu. 11:5-13; 24:49; Acts 1:4,5,8,13; Eph. 5:18) and speaking in tongues. (e) It is inconceivable that only those in the Corinthian Church were baptized in the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues; Paul taught it at Ephesus (Acts 19:2,6)—he must have taught it everywhere. It was much easier for the early church to receive the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit to give them another tongue to magnify the Lord in; they had not been warned that it was only for days gone by. If those who oppose glossolalia would admit that the early church were Spirit-filled believers who spoke in tongues, their argument would collapse. As it is, their case rests purely upon assumption—for it cannot be proven that the readers were non-Spirit-filled (the term used at Pentecost, Acts 2:4). (2) My second objection to the assertion that 1 Jn 4:12-16 proves that ALL Christians have the INDWELLING is that the context proves that the Apostle John was NOT referring to a bodily indwelling. Verse 16 says, "he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." Do we dwell (bodily) in love and in God? [Not yet!] How, then, can it be asserted that this word "dwelling" is referring to an actual indwelling of the Holy Spirit? The Greek term here is "meno" meaning "to remain." The meaning of this Greek word is clear in Jn. 19:31— where “bodies should not REMAIN (m' eno') upon the cross on the Sabbath day." Let us substitute the better translation—[put] "remain" for "dwell" in I Jn. 4:16, and see how the text clears up: "...he that REMAINETH in love REMAINETH in God, and God in him." This same Greek word is used throughout the ENTIRE CHAPTER wherever the K.J.V. has the translation DWELL. John is, here, speaking to those that have the Holy Spirit abiding in them concerning the signs of His Spirit REMAINING in them—John is not discussing WHO has the indwelling. John is teaching Spirit-filled Christians that those that REMAIN in love, REMAIN in God and God in them (v. 17). If we love one another (present tense), God REMAINETH in us (v. 12). We know that He REMAINS in us because the Spirit that He has given us bears witness to His presence that continues to remain in us (v. 13). Eph. 1:13 says "...AFTER that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise." In Eph. 3:17, Paul said "That Christ MAY DWELL in your hearts by faith" (future tense). The context makes it clear that these Ephesians were already Christians (Eph. 1:1; 2:1-2,19; 3:13,18. K. Wuest says "The personal presence of the Lord Jesus in the heart of the believer is not in view here”). The Greek word translated DWELL in this verse is not "meno" (remain); but "katolkeo" (settle down, to dwell, feeling comfortably at home). Here Paul is talking about full surrender of the heart. They were being built together for a habitation of God, through the Spirit (2:22), but they needed more spiritual comprehension (3:18) and love (3:19) to become complete (mature) in Christ (4:12-16). They needed to die completely to the flesh (4:31-32), and to continue being filled up with the Spirit (5:18—cont. action; Gr.)—putting on the full armour of God (6:10-17). THEN THEIR "WILL" WOULD BE SWALLOWED UP IN GOD'S SO THAT CHRIST COULD BE AT HOME WITHIN THEM. A guest cannot be comfortable in your home unless both of you have the same heart. Without unity, there is no true fellowship. Rom. 8:9 is frequently called to the witness stand to offer testimony that all believers have the Holy Spirit indwelling. An impartial court would not, however, accept the tie of assumption that is necessary to link this verse with such an assertion. Rom. 8:9 reads: "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." There is no proof that this verse is referring to the in-filling of the Holy Ghost. Neither can it be proven that Paul is speaking to non-Spirit-filled Christians. In fact, the context reveals that Paul is speaking to those who HAVE received the Holy Ghost, explaining that if the Spirit of God is dwelling ("olkeo," "to have a home in them so as to possess the house"), then they are walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh. The entire chapter is dealing with the Spirit-life as opposed to the flesh-life (v. 1, 4-10). It is not so much a case of WHO has received the Spirit of God, as it is "are you walking in the Spirit." This is the same teaching that Paul gave the Galatians: "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth (has a strong desire-GR.) against the Spirit ..." (Gal. 5:16-18). Everyone who has received the Holy Spirit is not walking in the Spirit! Paul therefore says "walk" ("be walking," Roth; "habitually order your manner of life," R. Wuest). Paul is NOT accusing the non-Spirit-filleds of always walking in the flesh. I would say that dedicated Christians are honest; it does not follow that all the undedicated are dishonest. Rom. 8:9 should not, therefore, be turned around to teach something that was not in the mind of Paul. It is true, as Rom. 8:9 also says, that "if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." Sweet and bitter water do not come from the same fountain. One cannot be manifesting the spirit of the devil, and yet be Christ's. But, this has nothing to do with receiving the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Some even have the audacity to quote I Cor. 3:16 to prove that all believers have the [in-]dwelling. This verse reads: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you." But every Christian acknowledges that the Corinthians were Spirit-filled, so if the reader has not received this precious promise, he is not in the company that Paul wrote to. Some also quote II Jn. 9: "Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son," as proof that the Christian has the dwelling of the Holy Ghost. THEY ASSUME THAT THE FIRST PART OF THE VERSE REFERS TO SINNERS, AND THAT THE LATTER PORTION REFERS TO BELIEVERS [yeah right!]; BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE, AS THE GREEK REVEALS. The Apostle John is actually saying "Whosoever loseth the things which we have wrought (v.8) and transgresses ("parabaino;" "to go aside") and remaineth not ("meno") in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. But he that remaineth ("meno") in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." This verse is teaching against backsliding, not who has "the [in]dwelling." THE SCRIPTURES DO NOT TEACH THAT EVERY BELIEVER HAS THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT; but if those who think so would admit that they still lack the infilling, or the baptism of the Spirit, and would seek to receive it, I would take no issue with them. I am not so concerned about the technicalities as I am about Christians who resist the Holy Ghost; fighting and accusing those who do receive; hindering others from seeking; and, in general, impeding the progress of the power and work of the Holy Spirit. I desire to strip away all the traditional curtains and chains from Christians so that once more "These signs shall follow them that believe." WE NEED THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO WIN THE WAR AGAINST THE ONSLAUGHTS OF MODERNISM, COMMUNISM, CULTISM, MATERIALISM, AND LETHARGY. Glossolalia: PERSONAL TESTIMONIES Donald Lee Barnett D.D. (First printing 1969) 1. REV. PAUL MORRIS: "Once, I was a self-sufficient Presbyterian minister who never dreamed he needed the Holy Spirit. I had degrees from Ursinus College and Princeton Seminary, plus a prep-school background oozing with culture and prestige. What more could a man want for a successful ministry? I found, in the summer of 1955, that there is a degree bestowed only by Christ Himself, and I needed that degree: the B.H.S.—the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. To discover this, I had to go to an Assembly of God Church. There I saw adults genuinely interested in the Bible, filling the church on Sunday evening, young people with a redeemed expression who spoke about the Lord as if they knew Him, and a pastor who preached the Word with grace, love, and power! This assembly resembled the churches I read about in the New Testament. I liked what I saw and heard: the Holy Spirit manifested in tongues and interpretations, bringing forth a message to the believer, all done 'decently and in order'. Those messages pierced my self-sufficient veneer and spoke to the real man on the inside. It seemed God was encouraging me to seek Him and enter deeper into His life! Many persons in that church had never attended college or seminary; yet, it was plain to see they had a heritage from God, and a first hand knowledge of Him that I had never dreamed possible in this 20th Century [written in the 60's]. What God had given them, I wanted Him to give me: I still wanted to be a Presbyterian... but [one] who was redeemed, filled with the Spirit, and walking close to God! Soon a power was welling up within me, and I began to speak a new language with force. All my doubts and fears were blasted out the window. This was real, and I knew it. The change in our lives was immediate and profound. The Spirit gave us new boldness to speak for the Lord. All at once we had a new ministry—helping denominational people receive the Holy Spirit. A surprising number of people have come inquiring and left overflowing; we found out what it is to worship God in 'spirit and in truth'. THE SPIRIT HAS GIVEN US MUCH LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER...HE ENDED MY CRITICIZING AND FAULT-FINDING” (Voice Magazine Presbyterian issue, 1963). 2. E. E. PRANGE, Member of American Foundation for Religion and Psychology; Chaplain at Lutheran Hospital; Studied at Concordia Theo. Seminary; Graduate Studies in Psychology at The New School for Social Research: "When the group began to pray in tongues quietly, I felt a little embarrassed by the cacophony of meaningless sounds. Throughout the room, there was a low, humming sound. Suddenly the words that a housewife was praying into my sensitive right ear began to take on meaning. She was praying in Latin; it sounded like one of the Psalms. This ordinary housewife, I discovered later, never studied Latin or any other language. The place wasn't shaken, but I certainly was. When I finally got home that night, the scientist and the mystic in me were engaged in a tremendous struggle with each other. My subjectivity and objectivity merged into one tortured stream of confusion. When I knelt down to pray in the church, the words went through my mind: ‘The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues is for you. It's yours. Open your mouth and praise the Lord.' I opened my mouth and suddenly God became real; the church was filled with His presence. My mouth praised Him in a strange, new language and my whole body tingled with the joy of His presence. Three days later, the Long Island Lutheran pastoral conference took place. Rev. Harold Bredesen and Rev. Ed. Barham presented their testimonies of how they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The forty Lutheran pastors gathered there sat in amazed silence. Finally, an articulate young man stated: 'Brethren, we can't just walk away from this thing. Either these men are deliberately lying, they are insane, this is demonic, or this is of God. We must somehow come to terms with what we have heard here this morning.' At this point, I arose and said, 'Brethren, what Pastor Barham and Pastor Bredesen described to you this morning happened to me three days ago. It's real, and it's wonderful.' This testimony, coming from one of their own brethren, caused an impact upon those present...” (Voice Magazine Baptist Issue, 1963). 3. WENDELL WALLACE, Church of God: "I had made up my mind that if the Lord would not confirm His Word with signs following when I preached, I was going to quit. Up to this time, I had been serving the Lord to the best of my ability. I will have to admit I wasn't always pleased with the progress in my evangelistic campaign and revival meetings throughout the country. Nor was I perfect as my heart desired to be toward God. Nevertheless, having kept myself morally clean from gross sin, I yearned to be fully consecrated to God's service. I felt a need of God in my soul. I was going into my secret closet and [would] stay there until God did something for me. I didn't make a very good showing the first time, but the following day, I fully yielded. The Lord poured out my soul like water before Him. He showed me the things in my life that were hindering me from receiving his power. God gave me an outpouring of His Spirit. With the experience came a heavenly language from my innermost being. Glory, awe, assurance, peace, power, and an awareness of Divine presence. I can honestly say that my entire life has been different. I have not tried to keep a score sheet of healing, nor reserved a trophy room for crutches, eye glasses, or wheel chairs, but am strongly convinced that God's healing power flows through me when I pray for sick bodies and minds. There is no desire to leave my church when the devil toots his horn. My heart overflows with love for all people..." I am willing to be laughed at, boycotted, mocked, opposed, cold shouldered, humiliated, or overlooked if necessary. I spend hours alone in my room with God, studying the Bible, walking in prayer, praising God in tongues, singing, crying, sometimes kneeling in the ashes of humility. THERE IS A PRICE TO BE PAID FOR THIS ANOINTING. I CANNOT GOSSIP, LAUGH, TALK, AND EAT WITH PEOPLE ALL DAY LONG, AND STILL HAVE GOD'S POWER TO MINISTER IN THE SERVICES" (Voice Magazine, June 1964). 4. DR. JOHN OSTEEN, Southern Baptist Minister: "Pentecost is not a denomination, it is an experience from God for everybody. Dr. William Standish Reed is an Episcopalian surgeon filled with the Holy Ghost. He speaks in other tongues, prophesies and prays for the sick. He tells how, when a child died, the nurse handed him the stethoscope and went to get a death certificate. When Dr. Reed went into the room where the child lay, he couldn't find a heartbeat. He could find no pulse. The Spirit of God swept over him, and this medical doctor rebuked death and commanded life to return; and color flushed into the child's face, and she came alive! ...I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR THE HOLY GHOST THAT YOU COULD NOT PILE A ROOM FULL ENOUGH OF MONEY TO CAUSE ME TO EXCHANGE ONE SUPERNATURAL MANIFESTATION OF THE HOLY GHOST IN MY LIFE FOR ALL THAT MONEY [Yes, John Osteen (now deceased) was the notorious JOEL OSTEEN’s father! Boy how things have changed!!!]...I can't stand for them to be without this experience; it's too wonderful for them not to have it. The joy of the living Presence of God is so marvelous! Oh, that multitudes would enter in. We preach no denomination. We argue no doctrine. We present the glory of God! God's people must be serious. This is the hour when we must have the unexplainable and glorious power of the living God! The enemy has come in like a flood; but God, by His Spirit, is raising up a supernatural standard against the work of the devil. Israel was a nation that was acquainted with the supernatural power of God: Red Sea parted, pillar of fire, manna fell, bitter waters became sweet, looked to the brazen serpent and lived, subdued kingdoms, walls fell down, Samson, nations trembled.... But look at these people who once lived in the realm of God's Holy Light!...dry bones" (Voice Magazine Baptist Issue, 1963). 5. DR. JAMES BROWN, Presbyterian: "After seminary years, we became occupied in two successive rural parishes. After ten years in the ministry, God sent across our path a Spirit-filled pastor who began to teach Bible classes in our area. At first, we attended out of curiosity and a sense of duty. But quickly, we recognized a dynamic relation to Jesus Christ that we professed but certainly did not have. This stranger's Christian love and joy amazed us. As we heard from him the simple Gospel of salvation, but more [than that]—as we saw it confirmed by his thrilling testimonies of daily miraculous answers to prayer—we and eight of our church members really encountered Jesus. People began to respond to our altar calls and to experience conversion; but the more response we received, the hungrier we became to see Gods work increasing. There came a day and hour when the Spirit of God invaded our prayer group. Literally, the Spirit fell! He electrified everyone in the room: Only one of the nine people present spoke freely in unknown tongues that night, but within the next couple of weeks, six more had received as powerful a Baptism with the Holy Spirit as the first one. Immediately, the gifts of the Spirit began to be distributed among us, and we began to see signs, wonders, and miracles that have never ceased to this day. Many have been saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Ghost. At almost any average meeting, we have Spirit-filled Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Quakers, Mennonites, Christian Holiness, and longtime Pentecostals. A young Roman Catholic man, father of three children, who was in the room when the Holy Spirit fell upon us, has since been saved, healed of constant stuttering, left his profession to prepare for the ministry...(Voice Magazine Presbyterian Issue, 1963). 6. REV. Z. S. GAMBLE, Presbyterian: “ heart was filled with a great love for Christ and I began to praise Him. It was like an artesian well of love suddenly bursting from within me in a language that my head could not understand but that my heart could and did understand. I was 'speaking in tongues and magnifying God!' I was conscious of an abiding Presence and was reminded of the words of Jesus: ‘I will send you another Comforter that He may abide with you forever.' From that day to this, I have remained conscious of this abiding of the Holy Spirit, and often, when in private devotions or in preparing sermons, I speak in other tongues. Always, it is an edifying experience, sometimes with a surge of joy and a deepening of love; at other times, it is a deep anguish of prayer as 'the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.' I am convinced that this experience is for all believers. THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR LIFE!" 7. From an Article by DR. R. F. RICE, Presbyterian: "A Lutheran pastor enumerates the benefits to his congregation since upward of 40 members have been filled with the Spirit: 1. A love for the Word of God not experienced before. 2. A stewardship unknown before. 3. An ability to really face up to sins and confess them. 4. A tremendous growth in evangelistic compassion for others by some members of the fellowship. 5. A new ministry and service to people in the field of counseling by the laity. 6. A singing congregation. 7. Many outstanding experiences in healing." HOW TO RECEIVE THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT From “Glossolalia” By: Donald Barnett 1. ACKNOWLEDGE that the experience is: (a) Biblical (Acts 1:5,8; 2:4; 8:17; 19:6). (b) Necessary (Eph. 5:18). (c) Applicable for you today (Mk. 15:17; Acts 2:38,39; v.4 w/ vs 16-18; Lu 11:13). (d) Not automatically received at conversion (Acts 8:12, 14-17; 19:6; 1:5). (e) Evidenced by tongues (Acts 2:4; 10:96; 19:6; Mk. 16:17 Isa. 28:11 w/ I Cor. 14:21). (f) Beneficial (Rom. 8:26, 27; 1 Cor. 14:2, 18, 22) 2. SURRENDER your whole heart to God, desiring to live righteously (Mtt. 5:6). 3. ASK (Lu. 11:9, 13; Ja. 4:2) Principle: "Ye have not because ye ask not;" Acts 1:14 "supplication" (asking earnestly). 4. BELIEVE (cast away all fear, Lu. 11:10-13; Acts 3:38-39). 5. Do not seek: tongues or an experience; seek God, but be willing to speak in other tongues. 6. Do not attempt to manipulate God or copy technique; simply worship Him and offer your all to God. 7. Do not try to get good enough to earn the Holy Spirit; it is a gift of which you are always unworthy. 8. Do not attempt to work up emotion or work down the blessing. Yielding is passive; it only surrenders to another's will. Many Christians who tarry for the Holy Ghost receive after they quit trying and open up their heart and soul in adoration to Jesus (desiring to be entirely possessed of Him). 9. Realize that you do not have to seek or pray for a certain protracted period of time in order to be eligible to receive (Acts 10:44, 1.9:6). But also realize that you can not force God to give you the Holy Spirit just by trying to talk gibberish. "He who hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled" (Mtt. 5:6). It is often necessary to be much in prayer so that you may become willing and pliable in God's hands. It often takes protracted prayer before a person becomes willing to die to sin and self-desires, willing to submit his all to God. It is often necessary to beseech God to "create" a hunger to be filled with the Spirit. One must have pure motives, desiring the Holy Spirit to glorify Christ, instead of his own ego. Supplicating God with importunity IS Scriptural (Lu. 11:5-13; Acts 1:14). 10. Realize that yielding yourself wholly to God includes and involves the tongue also. Many Christians do not receive because when the Spirit starts to give forth the utterance of unknown speech, the seeker subconsciously resists by insisting upon speaking in his native tongue. If the power of God is strong upon such a one, the combination of the two tongues and/or the resisting results in stammering. Stammering is not pleasant to listen to, and sounds so undignified and inappropriate that the seeker usually resists the utterance of the Holy Spirit even more. 11. Recognize that YOU will speak in tongues, but the HOLY SPIRIT will supply the utterance (Acts 2:4). Many have had difficulty in yielding their speech to God because they have erroneously assumed that the Holy Spirit will force the tongue to change languages. Although you will voluntarily speak, you will not need to think of what to say. The Holy Spirit will fill your mouth as you exert the faith to speak. Yet, you will be voluntarily using your lungs, your lips, your vocal chords, and your "will"—the Holy Spirit will only supply the utterance. Often the one who is seeking "the Baptism" is so lost in worship and adoration of Jesus whom he is in the act of yielding to, that he is not aware of any voluntary action of his own in starting to speak in other tongues. 12. It is important to understand that the emotion felt when receiving the Holy Spirit varies widely depending upon the person's emotional make-up, his depth of dedication, and his desire for this precious gift of God. But this is also true among new converts; everyone does not display the same amount of emotion. Those who seek for either salvation or The Holy Spirit for a long time are usually more elated than those who do not. Some who accept Christ as their Savior seem to receive a great deal more strength and blessing than others. The same is true with the baptism of the Holy Spirit; but in either case, the potential is the same. The fountain from which to drink is unlimited. Man, himself, is the only limiting force. If your portion does not seem to be as satisfying as another's, redouble your consecration and press in until the flood gates of heaven are opened upon you. But remember, this is essentially an “I give myself,” not a "give me" situation. 13. Realize that this Promise of the Father IS for YOU! Do not become discouraged if you do not receive right away. God knows when you are ready to receive. Even though it is a free gift, God "does not put new wine into old bottles," so to speak. Time in soul searching, deepening one's dedication, and waiting upon God to cleanse the heart and implant a hunger for God is time well spent. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a PROMISE! Move in to possess it with faith and humility. God bless you. ________________________________________________________________________ We would like to hear from you! |