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by Colonel Deborah Green, June 1983 NOW, as never before, God is calling a people who will consecrate themselves to Him; not just in an outward show of giddy spirituality, but from the innermost chambers of the heart, they will be His. He is calling forth a people who will know Him, a people who will be one with Him, a people who will know His voice and know His heart and who will respond to His commands (be they forceful or ever so gentle). Today, God is raising up His Army, and those who will show forth His glory in this hour will be those who have responded from the very depths of desire to be His. What is passing off itself out there as God is not Him at all but a showy, fleshly imitation product of the true and living God. God does not need the Hollywood productions that are being sold to the multitudes as "Christianity," but He does desire a people who will hunger for the "true bread" that cometh down from heaven. Here and there, God's people are rising up and calling out to Him and crying to be fed with His wheat, and He is hearing their cry and feeding them, and training them, and loving them. HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD!"Yeah, my children, do not be afraid to come unto me, for I desire thee, I desire to fill thee with myself, but in order for me to fill thee, you must allow my Spirit to separate the precious from the vile and to cleanse thee and sanctify thee to myself. I do not desire man's works in this hour, but I desire men's hearts. I do not want a people who want to show the world what they can do, I desire a people who will let me show forth myself to the world through them. Will you be among those who will be my vessels in this hour?" |