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—Discipline—Deliverance—Dominion—General James Green 1983 PRAISE GOD for your interest in the Deliverance Realm! We hope it is born out of a sincere desire to go all the way with God, to put every enemy underfoot and to walk victorious into the Promised Land of Total Dominion in Christ Jesus our Lord. This is our prayer for all the saints and the Vision which God has given to us by His Spirit. May His Vision spread and bring many into the warfare against the powers of darkness and hasten the Glorious Day of the Manifestation of the Sons of God! Many think of deliverance as primarily the casting out of demonic spirits, accompanied by growling, screams, writhing on the floor, etc. There have been ministries that have given demons far too much focus and thus some approach it as they would a sideshow to hear and see such strange events. Others have presented it as a spiritual cure-all; an easy answer for all our difficulties. We reject both of these approaches and are in no way associated with them. Though we have had experience with many strange manifestations of demonic personalities and have seen some marvelous “overnight” changes, our prayer is that all would see deliverance in its right perspective and realize a true balance in dealing with the adversary. The truth of the matter is that deliverance is a way of life, it is a walk, a mode of living which is simply another term for warfare. Deliverance is not one single experience in a big string of spiritual goods that you can put in your religious shopping bag. It is a realm in the Spirit which God desires His people to live in daily. It is one thing to be delivered of a demonic power in our life and another to walk in that liberty and not be again entangled with the yoke of bondage. “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1). We are primarily concerned with the total Christian walk and thus the clearing away of any obstacles that would hinder us, be it demons, the flesh, or the world! Therefore we see deliverance primarily as the path of the Spiritual Soldier, or the way of the Overcomer. Just as Israel had to come out of Egypt into the land of Canaan, so we must come out of this world system into the full promises of life in Christ Jesus. Like her, we are coming into a land flowing with milk and honey—one full of riches and treasures, with houses already built and fields already planted (Deuteronomy 6:10-11); and as it was for her, the land is inhabited by giants, conniving enemies and many pitfalls. Anakim, Amalekites, Hittites, Jebusites, Philistines, Midianites, Hivites, Perizzites, etc., are everywhere. Our task is to uproot them, cast them out, and utterly destroy them from the land (Deuteronomy 7:1-6). These enemies are, of course, pictures of our own spiritual enemies, many of which have inhabited our souls for years. Bitterness, hatred, lying, lust, pride, false religion, compromise and confusion are only a few that plague many Christians. Though all power is provisionally ours in the name of Jesus, it is up to us to go in and possess the land! Unless we tread upon our enemies with our feet and claim the land that the enemy has held in our lives, we will never overcome. THIS BATTLE IS VERY REAL! One only needs to address the enemy boldly to discover the reality of spiritual warfare and stubbornness of many demons to relinquish their hold on our lives. Our call is primarily a call to this spiritual warfare. But the welfare mentality has led the Church into a lukewarm state of compromise. Our call in this deliverance work is to wake up, to sound the alarm and stir up the Church to see the challenge that lies before us. It is not one for the weak or the hypocrites, but one of serious consecration and absolute dedication to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. For those who are genuinely serious, this is a realm of adventure and strong challenge. It is the realm of life, power and victory in God which the Bible boldly proclaims. It is the place where every enemy is defeated and put under foot. But again, this is not accomplished easily. One does not become a skillful warrior overnight. Like anything, it takes years, with many discouragements, downfalls and wounds. Some have lost their lives on the training ground alone. Some go in with great enthusiasm only to faint at the appearance of a real enemy. This walk demands much discipline and suffering in order to be successful. In order to walk in dominion over our enemy, the key factor is obedience to God. Yes, we proclaim there is a way of victory and overcoming and total dominion for the Christian . . . but the price is high, as it always has been. “Except a man FORSAKE ALL THAT HE HATH, he cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:33). It is only our modern Church that has cheapened the call. Today’s preachers would make a spiritual victory like a welfare check that you only have to sign for to obtain. This is completely false and only one more ploy of the enemy. The way is narrow, the going rough, and the price high, but it is the True Gate to Eternal Life. The way is straight and the cross is at the center of it, engraved with “not my will, but thine be done”; but those who choose it, gain an inner richness that far exceeds this world or the pleasures of self. As Paul said, “If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him” (II Timothy 2:12). The price of victory is great but worth every sacrifice. To sum it all up, we can only say that deliverance is a way of life within God’s will for us. It is actually a threefold walk, made up of Discipline, Deliverance, and Dominion. As we submit to God’s discipline, we experience deliverance and thus learn to walk in dominion. The Lord has equipped us well for the battle ahead and we only need claim what is ours and walk it out, day by day. It is a path of perseverance and endurance rather than an instant cure-all, yet the Lord is always faithful to those who trust in Him. As a final note, we must add that we do not carry the attitude that we can deliver anybody. This is God’s work and we will work only where we see Him working. Amen. ~General James Green We would like to hear from
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