Read Current Articles from Battle Cry and Tribal Call.
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,...." (Matt. 28:19)
Calling God's people to Spirit revolution, BATTLE CRY SOUNDING is the international voice of Aggressive Christianity. Filled with powerful, anointed messages designed to make you search your heart and come face to face with the reality of your spirituality, the BATTLE CRY will help and encourage sincere followers of Jesus whether they are just starting out or have been in the war for years. Missionary activities and front-lines battle reports from around the world will challenge the average church-goer to do more for God. The BATTLE CRY obliterates the grey areas that plague modern religion bringing into clear focus the issues of salvation, holiness, spiritual warfare and the individual's struggle for inner conquest over sin. The Battle Cry has sounded! Will you say "YES!" or will you say "WHY?"
"And all that believed were together, and had all things common;" (Acts 2:44)
Too many of God's people live isolated, meaningless lives, cut off from the Body of Christ. Forced into a once a week "church" routine, the individual's spiritual sensitivity becomes dull, leading eventually to spiritual death. We believe and practice the truth God's people are meant to live together under the glorious light and leadership of His Holy Spirit. The call to community is the call of the hour! The official publication of SHIM RA NA International Spirit Community, the TRIBAL CALL addresses many difficult questions and important issues that Christians must face as they seek to separate themselves from the world and form one holy nation unto God.
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