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FOLLOWING THIS INTRODUCTION are some personal thoughts from some of our community members of Miracle River.

     Just what is “Affluenza”? It is a pernicious killer disease (epidemic of stress, debt and insatiable lust for “stuff and things”—affluence + influenza). Thank God, we of Miracle River are not affected by the buy/consume syndrome as those all around us: we live a sacrificial life, simple and free from the lust for “stuff and things” that puts one in the prisonhouse of debt FOREVER!

     The infamous “Jones Family”, the ones Americans have all been trying to keep up with for years, are even facing very hard times in these hard times.

     Is an outbreak of “Affluenza” sweeping your area afresh and anew? or are your neighbors just “hanging on til the going-on comes on”?

     The symptoms of “Affluenza” are “swollen expectations” and “hyper-commercialism”, like the slick trash you see on your one-eyed devil, your devilvision, I mean television. You see the ads everywhere . . . all over America, an ugly sight for sore eyes! Other obvious symptoms are “brain rot and heart trouble, shopping fever, credit-card mania, a rash of bankruptcies, fractured and hurting families, chronic stress, social scars and endless exhaustion”. This is “Affluenza” . . . China style!

     There is no doubt about it, Americans are sick, dying, even rotting in their recliners, too stressed out and exhausted to relieve their bloated bladders and compacted bowels. This “stuff and things” disease is a serious malady; with over-consumption and materialism, Americans are headed to an early grave in a Wal-Mart shopping cart. Communities all across this nation are nothing but junkyards for “stuff and things”. Our environment—physical, social, and spiritual—are polluted beyond help by the materialistic lifestyle. Our “consumer friendly” culture is glutted with worthless trash from all over the world, especially junk from China.

     “Voluntary simplicity”, meaning the general principle, is one of the greatest cures for “Affluenza” . . . along with, and above all, a daily Gos-pill (the Gospel of Christ).

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[The term “Affluenza” and some of the following information was adapted from a documentary (not by ACMTC) aimed at exposing this horrible disease.]




Religion of Materialism



With Contentment

The Love of Stuff


Materialism: God of America?

"Gotta Have It!!!"

The Lie of the "American Dream"

God's Perfect Way

Oppression of Materialism


The Good Life

Greed, Gluttony, Grossness

Never Have Enough




Religion of Materialism

AMERICA IS following the religion of materialism. It says it is Christian, but it hasn’t been really Christian for over two generations or longer. America believes in “stuff and things”. In America, the belief is that “stuff and things” will make everyone happy and satisfied. But America is MISERABLE, and what happened is that it left its true lover, God, to pursue such nonsense.

     “Things” will not satisfy that desire in you that only God will. Man was made to serve God. That is the first calling, and unless he does that, he will not find any fulfillment in this life.

     Riches are deceitful. The Bible clearly says this. The Bible clearly warns against riches: 1 Timothy 6:10 states, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” Yet many churches teach the prosperity message and denote money as being a sign of Christian success. Nothing could be farther from the truth. True Christian success is in fulfilling the will of the Father over our lives. —C.W.

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AFFLUENZA IS a plague in this nation where we see everyone on an endless treadmill of getting “stuff and things” and never being satisfied or fulfilled with what they get. People think if they get this new material thing or that new thing that it is going to make them happy, and yet it never does. People who are under the influences of this PLAGUE are more stressed, have more health problems, and have all kinds of problems in their relationships. Money and materialism don’t buy happiness.

     Studies have shown that people who have very little or almost nothing in the material realm and who just live a simple life are much more fulfilled and happy. In fact, a very high percentage of marital problems that end in divorce are over money.

     Community-living is an alternative to the materialistic lifestyle. It is an alternative in that even worldly people can learn to get together and pool their resources, eat together, take care of one another’s children and thereby use fewer resources and spend less money than the average American family. The people who practice some sort of community pooling of resources are more happy.

     We see that getting the latest gadget is not going to make anyone satisfied: it is probably going to just cause you more problems, and you’ll have to pay for it! It is better to live a simple life and be happy with what you have than to seek fulfillment in getting the latest trinket, because it never brings the joy and happiness that the marketing people say it will. —John

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The Love of Stuff

IT IS amazing how much, in about fifty years, America has been consumed with the love of stuff and things to the point of homes being broken apart every day and lives falling apart because of the lust and love of material goods. Nowadays, both parents are gone working, and so the kids are left to themselves a good portion of the time. All this is done in a supposed effort to “get ahead”.

     Where did all of this come in? After World War II, Christian men and women started throwing off Biblical guidelines of temperance and the principles of living a moderate lifestyle within the means of their income. They started looking for the “comfortable” and the “flashy”. Now the whole country is consumed with MATERIAL LUST to the point it is KILLING THEM physically and spiritually. A small percentage of people have realized the dilemma they are in and they have cut themselves back from overindulgence—yet they are only treating their problems at the surface level.

     The truth is, we have strayed from the laws and morals of God. We must get our relationship back into right-standing with God. We, as a nation, have given preeminence to every other thing in our life except to the One who created us and the One who died for us. In our lust for the stuff and things, we have contaminated the whole world with the same filth we have given ourselves to.

     Let God cleanse your heart from the idols of materialism and self-love. That is what will change things in our own lives and the lives of others. —O.J.

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Materialism: God of America?

WE HAVE seen an epidemic in America in the last fifty years, an epidemic of AFFLUENZA. People are so self-indulgent and self-absorbed, it is causing Americans to be stressed out and only concerned with how much stuff and things they can accumulate. It is a POSSESSION OVERLOAD whereby the possessions own and control the consumer, the person is powerless to stop his or her compulsion to go out and buy. Even now, people are ordering and consuming via the Internet—so they don’t even have to worry about going out!

     Interestingly, “consumer” is from the root word “consumption”, which had a bad connotation in years past, associated with the dreaded disease tuberculosis.

     Large corporations are targeting the youth: kids have money, and they have influence and power over their parents which makes them a large buying segment of society. The “kid power” is the second largest market to be targeted and so the corporations are going for their money. Even the younger kids are demanding that their parents buy the “best”. Junior- and senior-high school students DREAD to show up at school in hand-me-down clothes, as they would not be accepted.

     People cannot budget their income anymore. What a SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS it has turned out to be when the American people are under the epidemic of AFFLUENZA. —K.

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The Lie of the “American Dream”

SINCE AMERICANS have departed from the truth of the Scriptures which tell us, “godliness with contentment is great gain” and “with food and clothing, therewith be content”, and have accepted the LIE of the “American dream” which says, “More ‘stuff and things’ equals the good life,” Americans have been suffering from the extreme malady called “AFFLUENZA”. This “affluenza” is the feeling of emptiness despite all the stuff and things that America has accumulated. Well, if we will only go back to the truth of the Scriptures and believe the admonition of God for frugality, living soberly, for contentment and simplicity and trusting not in the treasures that will pass away but trusting and desiring for the treasures that God gives, then we will be happy. —J.

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Oppression of Materialism

AMERICANS ARE oppressed by a lot of demons. Materialism is one of the main demons that rules in America. Television is the other. Both of these work hand-in-hand to destroy the souls of Americans.

     When America began to gain more prosperity during the 1950's, it started to forget God. Now it is 2008 and the lust for prosperity is a MONSTER that is out of control. People are hooked on credit cards and all sorts of easy credit. Now it is all backfiring. I believe the current economic conditions in America are God’s judgments against this country’s greed, and they’re only going to get worse. Famine will eventually hit this country.

     I see also that the church people are hypocrites to the core. There are men who represent respected parts of the Body of Christ and yet they wear clothes that are very expensive and live in luxury houses. So they do a lot of talking, but they are not doing.

     Another problem now is that KIDS RULE THEIR PARENTS. God has spoken many prophetic Words that this was going to happen. Kids are even starting to kill their parents. Now we have a generation of beastly sodomite kids that are going to reap the wrath of God, and their parents will reap of the same wrath.

     I believe that there are some people who are trying to live in community—loosely of course—in an effort to save money and resources. This is good, but it will never work correctly without the Lord. You need the Holy Spirit and God’s laws working in community for it to truly work. —Joseph

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The Good Life

AFTER THE depression of the 1930's, America needed a lift by the U.S. Government and it started encouraging low-interest loans, buying on credit, mass production, etc., which started Americans spending like never before in history.

     Before the 1950's, Americans would only buy things if they had the cash. After the 1950's, they started buying on credit and going into debt just to “have it now”. This was portrayed as the “good life”, and it was supposed to make one very happy to have as many things as they could possess. Now Americans suffer from “AFFLUENZA”, which is an unhappy state of depression, nervousness, and anxiety caused by the dogged pursuit of gaining more material things than one needs. Selfishness and greed are ruling America.

     The newest market that has exploded over the last several years is children in schools. The advertisers are now advertising heavily in high schools, and even grade schools through such things as “Channel 1" which the children in school are required to watch every morning. Children are being exploited at a younger and younger age and are encouraged to spend money and buy, buy, buy.

     I see that without salvation in Jesus Christ, the problem cannot be overcome. Americans will keep on being greedy and covetous because they have the “beast inside” that only Jesus Christ can conquer. —G.

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Never Have Enough

GOD HAS given us our own nation, His Holy Tribal Nation, yet our beautiful gift is surrounded by a much larger nation that is not governed by God. This alien nation around us has many problems, contagious problems which we must guard against to avoid being infected.

     One of the most deadly diseases affecting America is Affluenza. The symptoms of this disease are many, but primarily it is known by the vexing feelings of dissatisfaction, emptiness and the growing fear that you can never have enough.

     Being soldiers of the cross, we know the cause of this malady: the flesh. We read in Galatians 5:17 that the flesh lusteth against the Spirit. The bottom line is: No matter how much we accumulate, our flesh is never satisfied. Unless measures are taken against this beast that lurks within, the outcome is predictable: a continual driving and striving to gain as much “stuff and things” as you can possibly amass. Those who die in the clutches of this MONSTER are surely bound for Hell.

     Is there a cure? Yes, thank God. Jesus died on the cross to save us from all diseases, both natural and spiritual, Affluenza Idolatry included. The first step is dedicating your life to Jesus. The second step is realizing you must die to yourself—your flesh does not need and cannot have everything it desires. Third, make up your mind that you will let the Lord tell you what you need and that you will be happy with that. There is hope, but it will only be found in a life lived for the Lord. Without Jesus you don’t stand a chance against the beast. Accept the fact that you don’t need all that you want. Learn to be happy and grateful for what God gives and you can defeat the dreaded disease of Affluenza Idolatry. —P.

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AMERICA, BABYLON, is dying of a deadly disease called “Affluenza”. Our abundant affluence is drawing us into a sea of hyper-commercialism and debt.

     “The borrower is servant to the lender” says the Holy Scripture. Americans have become economic slaves to their indebtedness. “No man can serve two masters (God and Mammon, the money demon-god),“ says Jesus.

     American prosperity is an illusion/delusion based on credit. What is credit? It is simply an I.O.U., a promise to pay money that a person doesn’t have! In other words, credit is literally all in your mind!—money that doesn’t even exist.

     The American Babylonians are spiritually destitute, morally and economically bankrupt, psychologically demonized in the lust for material gain. Shopping fever, fractured families, chronic stress, resource exhaustion: the solution to the pollution is GIVING ONE’S LIFE TO JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, and putting under our feet that ol’ demon beast satan, the source of our material lust, and living the life here abundantly of joy, peace, love, temperance, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness. —D.

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With Contentment

IT IS stupid and foolish to always be chasing riches–to always be wanting more and more stuff and things. If you waste your whole life only seeking material possessions and earthly treasure you will end up empty and discontented. You will never be satisfied. You will experience fleeting thrills that always leave you wanting something more once they are over. There is a joy in living simply–in only having what you actually need and not just everything and anything. If you live a simple life you have more time for other people and more peace and happiness because you are not always having to worry about getting every new thing that comes on the market or fearing that somebody is going to take all the stuff that you have already accumulated. God never intended people to become possessed of their possessions. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:8 that we are to be content if we have food and clothes. We are not supposed to be always wanting all kinds of stuff and things that we don’t really need. We are not supposed to be always trying to get rich. We are supposed to be happy and contented if we just have the bare necessities. People who are sitting in the lap of luxury are not usually content anyways, so it is stupid to think that if only you had this or that you would be happy.

     Really living simply is not an answer in itself either. You can live simply and end up in Hell just like you can be rich and end up in Hell. 1 Timothy 6:6 says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” So we really need to be content with what we have and be godly. That means we need to be obeying God and seeking to please Him with our lives. We need to be in communion with Him and to be always thanking, praising and worshiping Him. That is Godliness with contentment. That is what God created man for in the first place– to commune with Him and worship Him. Only when we are pleasing God and daily fellowshipping with Him will we be truly happy, satisfied and contented. If we try to find satisfaction in any thing else–riches, fame, people, sports, business, etc., etc., we will only be disillusioned and dissatisfied.

     Another point I’d like to make is that out whole purpose in life is not supposed to be about whether or not we feel satisfied or happy! Our whole purpose as Christians should be to please God and get the Gospel out! We are supposed to “seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto us. We are supposed to “set our affections on things above, not on things of the earth.” So we’re not even supposed to worrying about whether or not we are happy or comfortable with the way we are living. We should be worried about whether or not God is happy with the way we are living and are we doing all that we can for him with whatever resources we have? Let us be content to live a simple life of obedience and worship to God. Let us seek Him and the furtherance of His Kingdom first and only and then He will take care of our physical needs. Notice, I said He will provide for our needs not wants. Amen. —V.

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BY THE age of 20, it is said that the average American has seen over 1 MILLION commercials. Another statistic quotes that Americans possess over 1 BILLION credit cards. Has this brought happiness into our lives? Are we better people for it?

     The commercials have ROTTED our thoughts, and the credit cards have RUINED our lives. People are going MAD for more “stuff and things”, though they have no means to acquire such things except by FLASHING a meaningless piece of PLASTIC that eventually BITES THEM BACK a short while later. The whole system we live in is literally HAREBRAINED—only held together by a plastic helmet and a fairytale of “better days ahead”.

     Many people are now confessing that getting more “stuff and things” has not satisfied them. Men, women and children EVERYWHERE are MISERABLE.

     The only way to remedy this situation is to TURN OFF the ONE-EYED DEVIL—the TV—and MELT DOWN all the plastic in your wallets. Then, and only then, will we have the clarity of mind to come and drink of the true “fountains of living water” that never run dry, where we will be satisfied in Jesus Christ the Lord. —A.

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“Gotta Have It!!!”

I REMEMBER a man over the radio saying, “Gotta have it!...Gotta Have It!...GOTTA HAVE IT!!” Now we’ve “gotten” everything our GREEDY hearts could want, and it’s making us PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY and SPIRITUALLY SICK.

     We live in a time where materialism is so rampant that we are CONSUMED with “stuff and things”. These “things” are KILLING us!

     Now, apparently, many Americans have been diagnosed with “Affluenza”, a deadly sickness of wanting . . . WANTING . . . WANTING!—and never being satisfied. Presently there are meetings going on around America for people who need immediate HELP because they are “sick” of ever wanting and buying, yet feel driven to want and buy more. THE PLAGUE OF “AFFLUENZA” IS INFECTING MILLIONS!!!

     Looking at it from a spiritual point of view, for all of you who don’t know Jesus Christ, He is the ONLY ONE who can truly heal you of this disease. We are not supposed to gather our treasures here on this earth. The real treasure is in Jesus Christ the Lord. Proverbs 15:16 states, “Better is little with reverent worshipful fear of the LORD than great and rich treasures and trouble with it.” And 1 Timothy 6:6-7 says, “...godliness accompanied with contentment—that contentment which is a sense of inward sufficiency—is great and abundant gain. For we brought nothing into the world, obviously we cannot take anything out of the world.” So all you prosperity preachers should read your Bible again and seek the Lord, for your LUST of “stuff and things” has not helped the American Christians, or even the sinners.

     I see we need to be more needy here in America—plastic junk from China is making us SICK and BLIND. We are not here on this earth to collect junk but for the purposes of Jesus Christ. If you have this DISEASE of “Affluenza”, REPENT of your sins, ask Jesus Christ into your heart, obey Him, love Him with all that you are, and He will heal you. Seek treasures above, not on this earth. —R.

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God’s Perfect Way

GOD HAS always had the perfect way for His people to live. Men and women are the ones who come up with all kinds of changes for the “better” or so they think. I truly believe God’s perfect plan for His people was to live in community. We really would have far less problems if all Christians would live communally and have one purpose, one goal—namely: to bring more souls to Christ and be a better witness of Christ themselves. Instead all these Christians—how they can bear to call themselves “Christian” is beyond me—don’t even consider that Christ lived communally with His disciples and they weren’t all chasing the stuff and things god. Nowadays, Christians go around totally oblivious to the fact that they are supposed to belong to another kingdom. Instead, they chase everything the pagans chase and get everything the pagans get and have all the problems the pagans have. Aren’t Christians supposed to be different than the pagans? No wonder the world is so dark today! The pagans have no example to look to, no hope to hang onto, because the Christians who are supposed to be have the answer, since they have Jesus who is the Savior of the whole world, have no answers. They don’t have any hope or answer to give to anybody because Jesus in not truly the Lord of their lives—their fat affluent lifestyle is!

      Oh, some people make me gag! They talk about how they have found the most infinite truth and the best way to live and bla bla bla, and then when they are faced up with living like we do, they almost have a heart attack because they might have to sacrifice something. Well, okay! Well look what you sacrifice for your stuff and things god: Your happiness, your peace of mind, your children, your marriage, and most of all your salvation and love for God!!! And in a few years the stuff and things you’ve sacrificed everything for all goes in the trash and all you have left is debts to pay. Then you have to go to get counseling so someone can basically tell you that you don’t have to buy everything you see, when if you were smart you could have followed God’s perfect plan and you would never have had to go that way at all. In God’s community, you don’t have to worry about all that junk because you have one focus and one goal, i.e. to bring more souls to Christ.

     If Christians would chase the Lord like they chase after the god of materialism, I am sure this world would see a lot better Christians. We need to get our focus back on the Lord Jesus, and seek His face instead of the mall. If you’re glutted out on junk food you could care less about really good healthy food, and if you’re all stuffed on things, you’re going to think the way of the Cross is frightfully boring! Really, though, chasing the things of this world is a never satisfying game where you go round and round and finally die because life crashes down on you, and you have nothing in Christ. In my opinion that’s not a very fulfilling life. Christians need to remember that we don’t belong to this world. Our love and affections are supposed to be on heavenly things. This world’s junk will satisfy you for about 5 minutes, but Christ will give lifelong satisfaction. Let us choose Jesus and His way of life for us because it’s worth it and stuff and things is NOT! —H.

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HELLO! HAVE you had an outbreak of affluenza in your family? Almost all American families have it. It is the terrible disease of wasting money and buying more than you need. And there is one thing America has created that helps in the affluenza frenzy—it's called “credit”. It's where if you want to buy something, and you don't have the money on you, they will give you a little plastic rectangle (a credit card) which shows you are going to pay for an item later that you get now. This was the biggest trap that America ever created! Why? Because most American families end up with lots of credit cards, and they get more every day. Most people will buy many things every day on credit because they don't have to pay on the spot. Then comes the big problem—THEY CAN'T PAY UP! SO WATCH OUT OR YOU MIGHT BE THE NEXT VICTIM OF AFFLUENZA. —I.

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Greed, Gluttony, Grossness

QUITE OBVIOUSLY the U.S.A. is a driven nation, driven by the forces of greed, gluttony, and grossness. These forces are bringing the great American dream to a screeching halt as too much of everything is causing the collapse of the economy, the moral fiber, physical bodies, emotional health as well as societal and family breakdowns.

     Many in America have been hit with the plague of accumulation to the point that they have been blinded by gluttony, not only for food, but for stuff and things. And it is these things that are proving to be more than the people can handle. Multitudes are hopelessly in debt. I once had an acquaintance in the late 1980's who was trying to get his life right with the Lord. One day he confessed to me that he was deeply in debt. Now I expected him to tell me that he was in debt perhaps several thousand dollars, as he had no home to pay a mortgage on, he had no new car, and though he had expensive clothes, that was about all I could see. The man confessed to me that he was FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN DEBT, hopelessly bound in a trap of his own making. He was a glutton, not for food, but for stuff; and his life was a hopeless shambles and showed up the grossness of greed left unchecked. He said the majority of the debt was for various credit card purchases and it had only compounded itself over the years.

     It is a good thing that debtors are not thrown into prisons, because if they were, about three fourths of the population would be in prison. Is there a way out of the prison-house of greed, gluttony, and grossness?

     The only way out is through Jesus Christ the Lord who can deliver us from the bondage of these cruel forces and direct our spending, if we will turn our money over to Him and let Him instruct us in wise spending. If you don’t know Jesus, repent today of your sins, ask Him to be the Lord and Savior of your life, and then allow Him to control and direct your spending, and you will find your life comes back into order through the assistance and direction of the Lord Jesus.


 —General Deborah Green

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