Stinking Rotting Corpse


“EVER SINCE THE 17TH CENTURY, when man began to picture the world in terms of the machines he made, the image of technological change has been potent,” so wrote Ken Hamilton, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Winnipeg, Canada.

    What this professor is saying is that the image of technological change has made strong impacts on our entire world. Technology is progressive, changing constantly as “increasing knowledge of the physical world makes possible the development of new techniques for subduing and controlling the physical world, to serve the needs of mankind”. Putting this into the spiritual, this is what “Progressive Churchianity” is doing: the perverts that have re-imaged Jesus and re-written God’s dos and don’ts for Him, have re-embarked upon the goal to “subdue” and “control” true Christianity, along with true Christians, by trying to make “advancements” and “progressive changes”—without the leading of the Spirit. No longer will they allow us to preach and teach unadulterated Bible truths. No, sir! They want to embrace all religions and put God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit on the same level with demon spirits—putting it plainly. I say, TO HELL with all their delusions of grandeur!

    As I pointed out in Part One, the Apostle Paul was astonished at the Galatians for deserting Christ in favor of “another gospel” (Gal 1:6). All this religious megalomania and narcissism will land one directly in HELL FIRE EVERLASTINGLY!!



THE ROTTING stench emitting from this liberal Church is repulsive.

     It is imagined that the continually improved machine is an adequate analogy for the whole of experienced reality. Progress, they claim, must be the eternal law underlying the universe. They further claim that religious faith, by means of which successive generations have sustained themselves, cannot be an exception to this law (i.e., religious faith must “progress” too).

     There is some truth to the above; but going above and beyond the written Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, like they have done, puts one in touch with “another gospel”.

     I believe that God’s truth is limitless, but to replace His truth with paganism is demonic; this the liberal Church has done.


Progressive Church: Ebullience!

BY “EBULLIENCE” I mean this “other gospel” is welcomed with overflowing excitement and enthusiasm. Yet God’s Word forbids synthesis—combining of separate elements to form a whole. We can’t combine paganism and Biblical Christianity and believe it will be acceptable to God.

     Satan is the god of this world (Jn 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; 2 Cor 4:4; cf. 1 Jn 5:19), and he uses demon spirits in the political, cultural, economic and religious realms to usurp God’s rulership. Futile attempt! God is still in control no matter what demons and men do in this world. And we know that no amount of deceit on satan’s part can change the fact that the Gospel cannot be synthesized with the ways of the world in any guise.


Open Hostility!

ACCORDING TO 1 John 2:16, three aspects of the sinful/pagan world create “open hostility” to God:


1)  The cravings of sinful man. This includes impure desires/lusts and running after forbidden pleasures and sensual gratification (see 1 Cor 6:18; Phil 3:19; and James 1:14).

2)  The lust of the eyes refers to coveting or lusting after things that are attractive to the eye but forbidden by God (see Ex 20:17 and Rom 7:7). In modern times, this lusting can be done by viewing porn, TV/movies that are full of immorality, etc. (see Gen 3:6; Joshua 7:21; 2 Sam 11:2 and Matt 5:28).

3)  The NIV uses for #3 (The pride of life), “...the boasting of what he has and does...” Boy, does this speak of modern Churchianity! The spirit of arrogance/pride knows NO limit in this sphere. Self-love, self-sufficience, independence rules supreme today . . . everywhere.


     Strictly speaking, the “Progressive” or “Emerging Church” recognizes not Jesus as Lord (Master) or God’s Word as the final authority. No way! The spirit of the age—religious and secular—seeks to EXALT, GLORIFY and PROMOTE SELF to high heaven: man is man’s god!



THIS PRETTY well describes today’s world in reference to God’s laws for humanity; it’s especially true in today’s “Progressive Church”. This spirit, “lacking moral sensibility and being outside or beyond the moral order of God’s intent for His people”, once was called “Free Spirit”. For those who were of the Free Spirit mentality (as those today), the proof of salvation was to know nothing of conscience or remorse. We might rightly use the old saying, “Nothing is sin except what is thought of as sin.” This pretty well describes the modern liberal Church. To apply Scripture to this, we can use 1 Timothy 4:1-2:


     “The Spirit (Holy Spirit) clearly says that in latter times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.


     Is not the modern liberal Church living there (or rather, being dead and already rotting and stinking there!)?

     Many over the years have fallen away from Biblical faith because they lost their love for Jesus and His truth (2 Thes 2:10). This causes the faithless not to resist the sinful trends of these last days (see Matt 24:5, 10-12; 2 Tim 3:2-3). Thus we have a dead, compromising Church; dead ministers and educators who preach and teach stinking doctrines of demons!

     Open your eyes, dear ones.

     This is why we see mega-churches springing up everywhere, offering another gospel, another Jesus, another way . . . all in vain, too! This “free spirit” (“Don’t put me in bondage!”) finds little if any resistance in today’s liberal congregations and places of religious education. Homosexuality (and all forbidden sex sins) is welcomed, all other religions are as good as Christianity, we need to apologize for our forefathers who brought men/women out of dark paganism . . . blah, blah, blah. All this BULL is being proclaimed as the “new gospel”.


Divinity in Humanity?

[See the Word of the Lord at the end of this article!]

NOW WE have the teachings that men have Divinity in their humanity—just “draw from within” and be GOD! So, we have many gods and goddesses that believe they can’t sin. While they preach and sing like angels, they live like HELL!

     They believe and teach that the “free” man/woman is quite right to do whatever gives him/her pleasure. Putting in bluntly, these people are full of religious demons! They claim Divinity, but their very actions and thoughts are demonic.

     Drinking from golden goblets, these adepts (“experts”) live pretty-well free from God’s ol’ nasty rules and regulations—they have, or so they think, been elevated into an elite class of churchfolks, not like sinners saved by God’s grace like us. Oh, I’ve met them. I’ve read their ramblings—all stupid nonsense.


Texts of the Past

THERE ARE some texts, written in the mid-14th century, that one can read on these issues. Below is a sample taken from The Pursuit of the Millennium by Norman Cohn:


     When a man has truly reached the great and high knowledge he is no longer bound to observe any law or any command, for he has become one with God. God created all things to serve such a person, and all that God ever created is the property of such a man....He shall take from all creatures as much as his nature desires and craves, and shall have no scruples of conscience about it, for all created things are his property....A man whom all heaven serves, all people and creatures are indeed obliged to serve and to obey; and if any disobeys, it alone is guilty.


     The above catechism may well be used today as the catechism of “Progressive Christianity”. Other surviving heretical literature from the same period as the text above, affirms that “the perfect man who is both God and man . . . all things that exist belong to him.” This sounds like what we hear today among the prosperity adepts.


What Is New?

REALLY NOTHING new today. Today’s liberal Church in bed with the New Agers may be new to some, but the spirit is very old. All this promiscuous and mystically colored eroticism is just about everywhere today.

     Brethren of the actual Free Spirit movement believed that women were created to be used by them: indeed, by such “intimacy”, a woman became more chaste than before, so that if she had previously lost her virginity, she now (though fornication) regained it.

     We’ve come a long way, baby! Now we have homosexuals and lesbians “doing their thing” and calling it “God”!

     Murder and fornication (all sex sins) were permissible among the Free Spirit folks of yesterday; but don’t we murder our unborn and commit all manner of forbidden sex sins without remorse today?


“Mortified Elect”

THESE CHURCH perverts actually believe that they have so mortified their flesh that they can commit no sin. I personally know a few of this type. Hence the blithe dishonesty about themselves continues. These perverts have developed an extraordinary skill in lying to themselves and have “cultured a grand pretense” about their own worth. Their “infinite superiority” has started a new revolution against God’s Holy Word and all the “poor souls” who are so unenlightened. Hence the promotion of a revolutionary social doctrine and gospel that doesn’t touch the sin issue. Cannot we testify to this growing “social club” of elitists, who won’t hear a word about sin? They, in fact, have been some of our relentless enemies over the years.

     Usually, at the bottom of all this BULL is found unconfessed sex sins. We’ve had to expel several people out of our midst because of this Free Spirit thing: they just could not turn loose of their sex sins. Thus, they have become our enemies. They literally see themselves as in a state of innocence, not caring what God’s Word has to say on this matter.


What We See—

WHAT WE see today is nothing but the culmination of all the weird sects and cult teachings of the past, sprinkled in and among the various church groups . . . groups that have broken free and away from Biblical Christianity.

     I will boldly say here, that NO conceptual system, however “GRANDIOSE”, can be ONE with Christ if it has forsaken His own teachings. To think otherwise belongs to the ignorant underworld of men’s imaginations. Men in both the past and present have formed a “god” of their OWN imagination. Wasn’t this the first sin in the Bible? “...then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:5)—the enticement, from satan, not God, to be as God!

     Biblically speaking, we’re to strive to take on the characteristics of Jesus, to be like Him; but this only comes as we DIE out to our “self” life, not by believing that out of humanity has come pure Divinity. We are to reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature (from newborn babes in Christ to mothers/fathers in Christ in full cooperation with God’s will). We are to attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13).

     Yet there is no way we can read into that verse that you or I will ever be like God in His Divinity, for He is of another essence altogether.

     Paul was teaching that the “unity in the faith” (providing we’ve kept it!), or the “unity of the Spirit” (v. 3) are maintained and perfected by:


(1)  accepting Jesus as Savior and His teachings along with all New Testament teachings;

(2)  growing and going in grace, advancing toward spiritual maturity (some use the word “perfection”) and growing up in all aspects into Christ (v. 13), and being filled with all the fullness of Christ and God (v. 13; see also 3:19);

(3)  not remaining as babes, infants or children, whereby we accept every wind of teaching (like what my subject covers);

(4)  holding on to and teaching and preaching the revealed truths in God’s Word (v. 15);

(5)  and living, I said LIVING in true righteousness and holiness (v. 24).


Truth in Love

THERE IS NO WAY anyone can attain and retain any godliness, holiness, and righteousness, UNLESS one loves the Lord Jesus and God the Father, being led by the Holy Spirit; NO WAY! Subsequently, once this condition is met, the Holy Spirit will initiate the formation of the New Testament Ekklesia, loyal to Christ and the original New Testament truths. But when men and women think they can discard His truths for their perverted lies, the Body becomes a stinking, rotting copse. So, we have a true Body of Christ and a corpse.



SELF-DEIFICATION IS making one’s self “GOD”—of course this can’t be done but thru the power of “mystical anarchism” (thinking you are “god”). This reminds me of the Scripture where men try to “climb up” another way; they are called thieves and robbers by Jesus.

     True, we are to become ONE with God as Jesus prayed in John 17:20-26. In verse 21 Jesus prayed “that all of them (those who believe on Him) may be ONE, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

     Just what does this mean? It didn’t mean that Jesus went into the Father or the Father lost His Fatherhood by going into Jesus. NO. They each retained their own Deity and essence. ONENESS is meant to convey UNITY.

     Jesus does not pray for His followers to “become ONE”, but rather that they may “BE ONE”, one UNITY. The present subjunctive used here designates ongoing action: “continually BE ONE”, “a oneness based on their common relationship to the Father and the Son, and on having the same basic attitude toward the world, the Word, and the need to reach out to the lost” (cf. 1 Jn 1:7).


Artificial Unity

THIS IS what man has done: creating an artificial unity. This is what the Free Spirit adepts have done: creating a false unity/Divinity with God. This is what all this ecumenical BULL is all about: to attempt to create an artificial unity by meetings, conferences or organizations—which can and has resulted in a betrayal of the very unity for which Jesus prayed. Jesus did not have in mind some sort of “cosmetic ‘unity meeting’”, but a “spiritual unity of the heart”. This true unity can’t be realized unless we are HIS!—in purpose, mind and will. When men want their OWN will, God will let them have it . . . and we see the stinking rotting mess called the “Church”.


The Godhead Demands . . .

THE UNITY of the Godhead demands the unity of the entire Christian communion, but we see not this unity: we have the stinking, rotting corpse posing as the “true Church”.

     When Jesus prayed in John 17:5, “And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began”, irrevocably it revealed that He would be glorified with the glory of the Father, and the glory of the Father was not new to Him, since He affirmed that He possessed it with (Gk., para) the Father (“...the glory which I had with thee”), even before the world came into existence. You see, what Jesus and His Father had was “glory unity”; now both the Father and the Son want the Christian Body of Christ to share in this same glory and unity.

     If we’re to be “like Jesus”, then we must be ONE with our Christian brothers and sisters. This is NOT possible if those claiming to be His have forsaken His Word and are led of the flesh, not the Spirit.

     The unity of Substance between Christ Jesus and His Father is undeniable. For sure, there are many so-called “gods” in Scripture, but they ARE NOT gods by self-identity and self-existence, but by human acclamation and adoration. Now, just read some of the religious ramblings that the New Age Movement and the Progressive Church put out: ACCLAMATION and ADORATION of SELF is evident.

     Paul sets forth his clear-cut analysis of idolatry in 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, i.e., it is acclamation and adoration of false gods that are not God, for an idol is nothing in itself and there is no god but God. Men and women are not Divine. We may possess some of God’s Substance, but it is His, not ours!


New Order?

THE POLITICAL realm is proclaiming a New World Order with the elite in charge; also the religious organizations of men are doing the same. This propaganda engulfs the world as I write. This BULL is tailor-made for the stupid! Oh, “endowed with extraordinarily irresistible eloquence”, the promoters themselves believe themselves to be gods.

     Characteristically, this has already been written about: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name (be it ‘cosmic Christ’ or just ‘Messiah’/’Christ’), claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many” (Matt 24:4-5). The real “New Order” we need is Christ’s “New World Order”—His REVOLUTIONARY WAY!


Luxury, Not a Necessity

ONE AUTHOR with good perception writes: “Nearly everyone with a modicum of understanding knows that spiritual maturity (or “perfection”) is good, and that growth in Christ is something important. However, the religious climate of our times has led people to perceive such growth as a part of luxury instead of a necessity.”

     Growth is natural, going forward; but unnatural if we go backwards (regress), becoming infantile. We would call this regression “dumbing down”!

     Trivia is a characteristic of today’s modern Progressive Church: thus the sheep of God are uninformed, too uninvolved, and too occupied and preoccupied with China’s “stuff-and-things” to care about (1) their own sorry backslid state, (2) the lost around them, and (3) defending the true Bible Faith.



CHURCHIANITY IS full of spiritual dwarfs, dressed in giant’s clothing—what a sight indeed! Let me tell you something: There is no place in Christianity for perpetual juvenility and constant babyhood. I mean, to remain in that state.

     May I ask, where are the soldiers of Christ gone? Where are the men and women of God who have the stature to stand against satan and all the wagging tongues that tell us God doesn’t have a victorious Army today?


Filthy Dreamers

SAINT JUDE talks about filthy dreamers (read vv. 5-15). These men follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit (Holy Spirit). It is these men and women that make up the stinking, rotting corpse that fills the land.

     The perverts that add and take away from God’s Word are in reality “quixotic dreamers” (by this I mean “idealistic dreamers, to an impractical degree, marked by rash, lofty, romantic ideals about their spirituality), giving themselves the status of a deity...romantically in love with their own works and intelligence.


The Mythological Now!

TURNING AWAY from God and His time-tested Word has birthed this bastard we can call “Mythological Now!” In turn, this bastard has given birth to a whole generation of mytho-maniacs who exaggerate and lie, whose father is satan, the father of lies, as the Bible tells us.

     It is all idolatry today. Romans 1:25 in the RSV tells us that the Biblical description of engaging in idolatry is having “exchanged the truth about God for a lie.” And Revelation 22:15 tells us that “outside (the city of God) are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters and EVERYONE who LOVES and PRACTICES FALSEHOODS (the KJV uses LIES).


Lies and Liars

THIS IS what the modern liberal Church is all about. Make no mistake, ALL liars “will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur” (Rev 21:8). All those who do what is deceitful will never enter God’s eternal city, never! (See Rev 21:27.)


Dead, Stinking, Rotting, and Cold!

THIS PRETTY well sums up what I perceive to be the new Progressive Church of this generation.

     This (old) New Age Movement was conceived by “demon seed” in the filthy womb of the harlot Church—the unfaithful wife of Christ. The bastards that have been brought forth have been converted into sound-doctrine HATERS. Men are taught, not to look to Jesus for salvation alone, but to draw Divinity from within themselves—for man is man’s god! Furthermore, it is proclaimed that “sin is sin only if you think it is”, so the sin issue is minimized, almost erased completely. Unacceptable behavior (SIN) is labeled with terms like “mistake”, “quirk in one’s personality” or “stumble”, etc. . . . never as SIN or a violation of God’s law.

     May I say boldly, SIN is always the result from an association with or positive response to satan and demons. God’s Word is clear about sin. The Bible leaves the reader informed as to how sin, satan, and sinners relate.


In Closing

THERE ARE Scriptures, lots of them, that tell us what we need to know about sin. We must repent—turn from our sins. Impenitence makes one abstinent towards God. Read Romans 2:5. I’ll quote this now for my readers:


“Because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath...”


     My final plea to you sinners: God’s wrath is upon us now. Don’t be caught in a state of stubbornness. Repent of your committed sins and be clean TODAY. Amen.


[Study material for this article was adapted from its original sources.]

* * *

Word of the Lord:



I speak unto thee this day I say that it is me the Living God who will give unto thee such as you have need of if you will but cleave unto me. I say that you are not meant to look to the world and all of its vanities, you are not meant to look to the ways of darkness, but you are meant to look unto me, for I am thy God. I say if it is me that you will be looking unto, it is of me that you will be receiving, for I shall come to thee. I say yes indeed I will uplift thee, direct thee, and guide thee in the light of who I am. I say that I the Living God do not call thee to walk afar off, I do not call thee to dwell in desolation and separation from me. But I say that I call thee to be ever abiding in the power of my presence, for it is me the Living God who will come unto thee.

I say that yes indeed I will uplift and direct thee, lead and guide thee, for ye are mine. I say yes indeed I will show thee that I am the one who is well-able for thee. I say this day let it be me that you look to in faith and in hope and in confidence. Let it be me that you will be brought forth by, for I am thy Lord. I say it is me the Living God who does bear rule over thee as you remain subject unto me. I say that I do not call thee to subject thyselves to worldly counselors, but I call thee to subject thyselves to me. I say if it is me that you will be looking unto, it is me who will bring thee forth, causing thee to be uplifted in my joy. It is me who will bring thee forth, causing thee to rejoice day by day by day, for I am well-able.

I say this day be thankful that you can be ever looking unto me, believing in me and receiving of me, for I am with thee. I say that it is me the Living God who will bring thee forth, direct thee, and instruct thee in life. It is me the Living God who will purpose thee that you could be uplifted always in me. I say that yes indeed I am well-able and I will enable thee. I say yes indeed I am well-able and I will guide thee in the way that is life. I say you are living in a time when men have imagined that they could find a way to God because they themselves are god. They have imagined that they have so much divinity inherent in their humanity that all they need to do is draw up the same. But I say they are deceived by the deceitfulness of their own understanding and the wickedness of their own hearts. I say that I have never ever told men that they would be gods in the sense that I am God. I say that I have intended that men would continually humble themselves before me and walk in my way. I say if they will walk in the way that I provide they take on the characteristics that I desire. But for men to imagine that in their humanness that they have such godly traits is nothing but foolery. I say that it is through me the Living God that a man can be brought forth in the way that is life. I say that there are many dreamers and imaginers in this wicked and perverse generation that are conjuring up their own way. But I say what they are literally conjuring up is the way of their own destruction. I say that I the Living God never called thee to be destroyed, but I have called thee to come forth in me. I say that I have called thee to be ever thankful that it is me the Living God who does give thee the way of my life. It is me the Living God who will uplift and direct thee, lead and guide thee in the way that you are meant to walk. I say do not be high-minded, do not be full of pride and arrogance as to your own worth. I say do not be seeing yourself as something that you are not, boasting all the day long.

But I say walk in humility before me and I the Living God will keep thee in my life. I say walk in humility before me and I the Living God will keep thee in my truth. I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to seek to please, that you are meant to obey and follow after. It is me the Living God who is indeed the way of truth, the way of light, the way of mercy intended. It is me the Living God who will give unto thee such as you have need of if you will but cleave to me. I say that it is me that you are meant to believe in and trust, it is me that you are meant to follow after, it is me that you are meant to obey.

Therefore I say let it be me the Living God that you will look unto, that you will believe in, that you will follow after always. I say be ever thankful that you can be quick to obey me and receive the blessedness that is found in the same. I say indeed that I the Living God do give mercy unto all of those who will be obedient unto me. I say that I give mercy unto all of those who will seek to be well-pleasing. Therefore I say do not be as the proud, the wayward, the rebellious who seek for their own way, only to be destroyed by the same. I say that a man cannot serve two masters, and any man who tries to do so the same will prove to be the destroyer of his own soul. I say that I the Living God never called thee to be serving the world and serving me. I say that you will love the one and hate the other if you seek to please two masters. I say this day do not be seeking to please any other but seek to please me. I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to be in obedience unto, it is me the Living God that you meant to please. I say this day be glad that it is me that you can be looking unto, for I am thy mainstay. I say be glad that you can be believing in me, for I will bring thee forth. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of truth, the way of light, the way of blessedness, the way of mercy. It is me the Living God who delights in a people who will be uplifted and brought forth in me. It is me the Living God who delights in a people who will be receiving the manifold mercies that I alone can give.

Therefore I say even today be grateful unto me always. That is, make it thy practice to remain in the attitude of gratitude unto me the Living God. I say indeed of your own selves you are worth absolutely nothing, but through me you are redeemed. I say that it is me the Living God who will put the qualities that are admirable, that are of integrity and righteousness, in thee. I say do not trust in your humanness, do not trust in your own heart, for it is deceitfully wicked. But I say be trusting in me, be trusting in the mind of my Spirit, and I will bring thee forth. I say there are many in this wicked and perverse generation who claim they are my people yet I say that they have not seen their sin, that is they have not seen the utter wretched fools they are the way that I the Living God do see them.

I say they go on in religious hypocrisy and pretension, strutting and boasting themselves as though they were so great. But I say when any man or woman gets the true revelation of self and the iniquity contained therein, no longer will they be trusting in their own understanding. I say no longer will they be trusting in their own righteousness, for they will see that it is not. I the Living God have called thee to be trusting and believing in me, for I am thy God. I say that I have called thee to be trusting and believing in me, for I will bring thee forth. I say if it is me the Living God that you are privileged to look, to believe in and trust, it is me the Living God who will bring thee forth. If it is me the Living God that you keep your vision stayed always upon I say that you are kept by me. Yes indeed you are uplifted and guided, directed and instructed, in the truth of who I am. Yes indeed you are shown that it is me the Living God who is blessedness unto thee. I say therefore this day do not look to any other but look to me and I will keep thee. I say do not look to any other but look to me and partake of that which I alone can give. I say that it is me the Living God who is truth and light, strength and glory and the way of hope intended. It is me the Living God who will uplift thee and bring thee forth and you can be made glad in me. Therefore I say even today do not be trusting in your own self, for the same is delusion. I say do not be trusting in pride and arrogance and conceitedness, for those things are vanity and vexation.

I say be trusting in me, for it is me the Living God who will keep thee. I say give thanks, give praise unto me that you are so privileged to walk in my light. I say give thanks, give praise unto me that you are so privileged as to labor for me. I say that it is me the Living God who will uplift and direct, lead and guide thee, for ye are mine. It is me the Living God who does purpose thee that you could be brought forth always in me. It is me the Living God who does purpose thee that you could be rejoicing in me that I am thy mainstay. I say if it is me that you keep your vision upon I say you are kept always. If it is me that you will be looking unto I say you are directed in the way that I do provide.

I say this day be thankful to look to me, be thankful to believe in me, be thankful to receive of me, for I am thy God. I say be coming forth day by day by day in the way that I provide. I say again do not be high-minded and arrogant, conceited and puffed up in your imagination as to who you are, but I say realize that you are sinners saved by my grace and my love towards thee. I say realize that it is me the Living God who will transform thee as you will adhere unto me. I say do not be trusting in your righteousness, for the same is filthy rags before me. But I say be trusting in me, for it is me the Living God that you are meant to believe. I say this day be glad that it is me who does purpose thee, that it is me who does bring thee forth, that it is me who does uplift thee. I say be glad that it is me the Living God who has given thee the manifold mercies that I can provide. Be glad that it is me the Living God who will equip thee, direct thee and guide thee in the life of who I am. I say that I am indeed the way of truth, the way of light, the way of mercy. I say that I am indeed the one true God who does give my mercy unto thee. I say this day let my joy come into thy heart as you give me thanks and praise.

Truly if you will take the time that you spend in negative thought, you spend in negative word, and spend that same time in thinking upon me and my goodness, my mercy, my righteousness, and praising me, I say you are uplifted in joy. It is me the Living God who will uplift thee and bring thee forth. I say this day do not make a sacrifice to darkness in your thoughts and in your words and in your deeds. But I say make the sacrifice unto me the Living God and be well-pleasing, that is think upon me, think upon my goodness, think upon my mercy. I say speak forth the words of praise and thanksgiving unto me, for I am thy God. It is me that you are meant to seek to please, it is me that you are meant to follow after, it is me that you are meant to obey. I say therefore this day give the thanks, the praise, unto me that I am thy God. I say give the thanks, the praise, unto me that I bring thee forth. I say this day be full of thankfulness and I the Living God will pour forth upon thee.


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