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HOMOSEXUALS TARGET ALL OF AFRICA! Dear African Brothers & Sisters, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ the Almighty who is our Savior and Lord. As the warfare for human souls increases due to the advancement of demonic activity and communications over the past several years, we find the evil forces of darkness are raging to a greater extent than ever before. Their goal is to KILL, to STEAL, and DESTROY human lives and souls. As co-laborers for the Kingdom of God, we feel we must issue a special warning and admonition to all of you who are laboring in the Lord’s vineyard. This is not the time to sleep nor to play but to FIGHT against the forces of darkness that are raging on every hand. BE AWARE THAT THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA HAS LISTED AS A PRIORITY TO TAKE ALL OF AFRICA FOR HOMOSEXUALITY. WITH SUCH A HIDEOUS INTENTION AS THIS ON THE HORIZON, IT IS NOT THE TIME TO GET RICH AND LIVE IN LUXURY, NOR IS IT THE TIME TO PLAY AROUND IN FUN AND GAMES. IT IS THE TIME TO FIGHT ACTIVELY AGAINST THE MISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN WHICH IS BEING LAUNCHED WORLDWIDE BY THE POLITICALLY CORRECT, HOMOSEXUAL ORIENTED MEDIA. All who dare to oppose the tyranny of the homosexual terrorists, which includes the media, are clubbed by labels and accusations of being homophobic and hate mongers etc. But as champions of the Lord’s cause let us remember that He has forbidden homosexual practices, calling them ABOMINATIONS, and refuses to accept the same in His Kingdom. It is not the time to relent but let us war against the forces of evil that are seeking to destroy nations—even ALL OF AFRICA—with this great evil of homosexual behavior. This is nothing but a death cult belief system which victimizes multitudes through AIDS and other STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). We supply FREE OF CHARGE many informative, well-researched, Biblically correct refutations that will help you counterattack this plague of gross darkness and sexual sins. Write to receive your free information package today. Ever active in the war front for the souls of lost humanity, Generals James and Deborah Green and staff Aggressive Christianity