THROUGH THE INNOCENTLY APPEARING GUISE OF THE "NATURAL HERBAL HIGH" CALLED MARIJUANA, SATAN HAS FOUND AN OPEN DOORWAY FOR INVASION INTO THE MINDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. MANY A DECEIVED CHRISTIAN HAS LOST THEIR SALVATION IN CHRIST THROUGH THIS DECEPTIVE DEVICE OF THE ONE WHOSE PURPOSE IS TO KILL, STEAL, AND DESTROY. THE DECEPTIVE REASONING THAT SATAN USES IS THIS: "GOD MADE PLANTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF MAN, MARIJUANA IS A PLANT, THEREFORE GOD MADE IT FOR THE BENEFIT OF MAN. IT OPENS UP A PERSON'S MIND SO THAT THEY CAN FLOW IN THE SPIRIT." THE TRUTH IS THAT THE SPIRIT WHICH THIS PLANT OPENS ONE UP TO IS THE SPIRIT OF THE DEVIL. THIS "INNOCENT NATURAL HIGH" IS REALLY JUST THE BAIT THAT THE DEVIL USES TO CAPTIVATE THE SOUL (MIND, WILL AND EMOTIONS). THE DEVIL IS THE MASTER OF DECEPTION!!! READ SOME CASE HISTORIES OF THOSE IN MENTAL WARDS, MOST OF THEM STARTED OUT SO "INNOCENTLY" ON MARIJUANA. MARIJUANA HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE A DRUG THAT RENDERS IT'S USERS PSYCHOLOGICALLY DEPENDENT TO A SEVERE DEGREE. MANY M.J. USERS BECOME TRAPPED IN A DEAD END LIFESTYLE OF POVERTY, DEPENDENCE AND PARANOIA. OF WHOSE SPIRIT ARE THESE FRUITS?? DID YOU KNOW THAT THE DEVIL USES NO NEW THING TO BEGUILE PEOPLE? SORCERERS, SATANISTS, AND WITCHES HAVE KNOWN FOR CENTURIES THAT MARIJUANA IS A MEANS OF OPENING UP TO THE SPIRIT WORLD OF SATAN AND HIS DEMON FORCES. CHRISTIANS DON'T NEED THE DEVIL'S TOOLS! WHO CONTROLS YOU?The thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) am come that they may have life and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10 THE DEVIL WILL USE ANYTHING OR ANYONE TO ACCOMPLISH HIS PURPOSES. HIS NUMBER ONE TARGET IS CHRISTIANS!! IF HE CAN USE MARIJUANA TO CON THEM INTO BEING WEAK AND INEFFECTUAL, HE WILL. WHEN WE COME TO JESUS CHRIST, HE FORGIVES US FOR OUR SINS AND PUTS HIS LIFE INSIDE OF OUR HEARTS. THEN WE CAN WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE. WE DO NOT NEED THE CRUTCHES OF THE FORMER LIFESTYLE LIKE MARIJUANA. THE CHRISTIAN WHO TRIES TO WITNESS FOR CHRIST WHILE HIGH ON MARIJUANA IS REALLY NOT A WITNESS FOR CHRIST AT ALL. THE ONLY WITNESS THAT SUCH A ONE GIVES IS THAT SATAN STILL HAS AUTHORITY IN HIS LIFE. DEAR CHRISTIAN, YOU DO NOT NEED MARIJUANA (OR ANY OTHER DRUG, INCLUDING ALCOHOL), FOR THROUGH JESUS CHRIST YOU CAN HAVE LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY. YOU MUST LEARN TO NO LONGER LOOK TO THE RUDIMENTS OF THE WORLD, SUCH AS MARIJUANA, FOR HELP. YOU MUST LEARN TO LOOK TO GOD! YOU MUST LEARN TO KNOW HIM, FOR HE IS ALL YOU WILL EVER NEED. LOVE JESUS, WALK IN HIS HOLY SPIRIT, AND DON'T LET SATAN CONNIVE YOU INTO FOLLOWING ANOTHER SPIRIT -THE SPIRIT OF ANTI-CHRIST. "But I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit (demons) which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him." 2 Cor. 11:3-4 THE WITCHCRAFT - DRUG CONNECTION!Let's not lose sight of the fact that all drugs are more correctly identified by their proper name of pharmaceuticals, which in the Bible is always translated as witchcraft or sorcery. Yet many people mistakenly believe that using drugs to gain access to spiritual forces is a modern fad and that the Bible is silent in this regard. This is simply not true. As a matter of fact, mind altering drugs have been employed by the devil and his agents since the earliest times to achieve his ends and are specifically condemned in both the Old and New Testaments. Of course a distinction must be made between drugs that have a proven medical value and are used accordingly and those drugs that are misused and abused by people seeking to escape reality. It is this latter category that definately relates to witchcraft and sorcery and ultimately ends in the total demonic enslavement of the user. It has been shown in other research works that the Greek words pharmakeia, pharmakeus and pharmakos, which are translated witchcraft, sorceries and sorcerers in the New Testament are connected with the use of mind altering drugs. The three words are derived from the Greek word pharmakon, which means drugs or magic potions. In the Greek version of the Old Testament the words pharmakeia, pharmakeuo, pharmekon, and pharmekos are used twenty two times to translate several different Hebrew words. The Hebrew words in question are kashaph, lehatim and chartummim. All three words are connected with sorcery, witchcraft and enchantments. It is obvious that the Greek word pharmakon has to do with drugs; a more relevant and contemporary application could hardly be found. The denunciations against sorcery contained in Revelation 9:21; 18:23; 21:8 ; and 22:15 apply to those who use drugs to bring on trances during which they claim to have supernatural knowledge or power. (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (Copyright (C) 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers) SORCERY A. Nouns. 1. pharmakia (or-- eia) ^5331^ (Eng., "pharmacy," etc.) primarily signified "the use of medicine, drugs, spells"; then, "poisoning"; then, "sorcery," <Gal. 5:20 , RV, "sorcery" (KJV, "witchcraft"), mentioned as one of "the works of the flesh." See also <Rev. 9:21; 18:23 .# In the Sept., <Ex. 7:11,22; 8:7,18; Isa. 47:9, 12 .# In "sorcery," the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant or patient from the attention and power of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer. Sorcery is listed along with other sins because people involved in the black arts of witchcraft use drugs to alter their state of mind to try to gain supernatural knowledge or abilities. God never gives knowledge or abilities in this way though, because it is in contrast with gaining them through discipline (self control), obedience, patience, and other fruits of a day-to-day intimate relationship with Him. The only insights, pleasures, etc. gained through mind altering substances are therefore coming from Satan. The connection between witchcraft and drugs in undeniable. Today, drugs are used more than ever throughout every realm of witchcraft and the occult. The truth remains that drugs open the user to the spirit, yet what foolish people fail to realize is that once you've been opened you have no power to close the door. Drugs are one of Satan's most powerful weapons. He uses them to gain entrance into your life, and once he's in his only ambition is to keep you HELL BOUND! VISIT OUR NEW PAGE: DO YOU WANT HELP?