By: Sujit Das
There are many non-fighting members, e.g., accountants, cooks, fund-raisers, logistics specialists, medical doctors, nurses or recruiters – who may play only a passive support role. But all of them have the same ultimate goal, i.e., to defeat the enemy. Similarly, there are many ways to support jihad, besides personal violence. The peaceful Muslims we know are playing this passive support role and the ultimate goal is to conquer the world for Islam by wiping out the infidels and their civilizations.
“Islam, just like the Roman God Janus, has two faces”. — Abul Kasem
“The militant Muslim is the person cutting the head of the infidel while the moderate Muslim holds the victims feet”. — Dr. M. Sabieski
In a country when Muslims are a minority, they demand more and more privileges and rights for minorities from the host country. When their number grows by birth or immigration, they want to impose Sharia rule. When they become the majority, they start bringing death and destruction to the host nation and start ethnic cleansing. This is the worst type of disloyalty and hypocrisy.
Is not this the same what Muhammad did to the early Meccans? When he was weak, he brought down verses, which were non-violent. He even uttered some verses, which praised the pagan gods (i.e. the satanic verses) to make the Meccans happy. But when he became powerful, his darker side began to emerge and the Qur’anic verses started losing their beauty. Once he conquered Mecca, he showed his true color to everyone – either convert or die by the sword.
Though the concerned governments, such as those in the West, spend billions to protect their citizens from Islamic jihadis, the policy-makers often fail to see this point. They are making the same mistake what the early Meccans did. They realize the impact of radical Islam, but fail to pay attention to moderate Islam. Little do they understand that this so-called moderate Islam is much more dangerous than the radical Islam, because it grows and silently kills the host. It is impossible for a Muslim to live and commune with non-Islamic societies without an obligation to convert them to Islam by force or deception. Islamic jihad has many faces. Jihad is not just slaughtering people for Islam; it is also a systematic suppression of truth and propagation of lies. If not, how can the moderate Muslims boldly assert (despite hard evidence to the contrary) that Islam is a peaceful religion?
The slogan “Islam is a peaceful religion” is about 1,400 years out of date. The seed of terrorism is germinating inside every Muslim. Anyone, who has put a single grain of trust on Muhammad and his Qur’an, fills up his mind with unjustified hate and paranoia, and he is bound to have similar destructive ideas like his Prophet. The dark force of Muhammad’s narcissism immediately starts working in him.
Even after a decade into the war on Islamic terror, we often hear that Islam is a religion of peace. While those so-called peaceful Muslims use this term for obvious reasons, those, who know Islam, use this term sarcastically. Terrorism is there in every cell of Islam. Islam cannot survive without terrorism, because terrorism is the life-force of Islam. Those, who are against terrorism, have no place in Islam; they are infidels. As Habis al Saoub, in his Arabic document, entitled A Martyr’s will, quoted (Spencer, 2003, p. 23): “The Prophet Muhammad’s seventh-century assertion is that abandoning the cause of jihad is a disgraceful act tantamount to leaving the Islamic religion.”
From the above quote it is very clear that jihad in the cause of God is an integral part of a Muslim’s life. Violence against non-Muslims is not a twisting of Islam, but it is repeatedly affirmed in the Qur’an, the Hadith, the examples of Muhammad, and the rulings of every school of Islamic jurisprudence. Muslim terrorists are not “hijacking” Islam; they are, in fact, restoring it. Without terrorism, Islam will suffocate and collapse in quick time. The history of Islam is a millennium long devil dance of murder, massacre, rape and plunder, trickery, treachery, tyranny and torture across the world from the day of its inception. The peaceful face of Islam is a deception. It is political Islam, which is the mask of violent Islam. As the Turkish Prime Minister commented (McCarthy, 2010, p. 39); “These descriptions are very ugly. It is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it”.
The only difference between a peaceful Muslim and a terrorist Muslim is that terrorists are openly in action and not at all shy to make their agenda known to non-Muslims, whereas the peaceful Muslims are silently in action and hypocrite. Muslims cannot be a loyal minority, and as their numbers and strength build up, they will demand to impose Islamic laws and systems on their hosts. In fact, the Qur’an instructs them not to live as minorities, but to try to take over. Their allegiance is always to the wider world of Islam over any national boundaries. As example, a prominent American Muslim spokesman Siraj Wahaj advised the Muslims in USA (cited Spencer, 2005, p. 45): “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.”
Islam and terrorism are blood brothers. In the wake of the two London bombings in 2005, al-Ghurabaa, one of the most radical Islamic groups in Britain, stated (Dawkins, 2006, p. 307): “Any Muslim that denies that terror is a part of Islam is kafir (nonbeliever)”. And a similar self-explanatory statement from Zakir Naik (Al-Kindy, 2005, p. 86; Downing, 2009, p. 354) is: “Every Muslim should be a terrorist”. These so-called peaceful Muslims are very calculative and proceed sophistically. As example, the influential American convert to Islam Hamza Yusuf in November 2004 exhorted Muslims to advance strategically to their goals (cited Spencer, 2006, p. 189); “There are times when you have to live like a sheep, in order to live in the future like a lion”.
This is called al-taqiyya (legal deception) in Islam, which allows Muslims to literally deny any aspect of their faith, and defined as (Richardson, 2006, p. 172), “Taqiyya is merely uttering of the tongue, while the heart is comfortable with faith.” These so-called peaceful Muslims give long speeches on human rights and democratic values and sing the peaceful verses of the Qur’an, but once Islam becomes powerful, they will start singing another tune. The fundamental concepts of human rights, developed in the West with the help of John Locke and other enlightenment thinkers, have not had any impact on Islam even to this day. Hard-line Muslims have openly admitted this fact. In January 1985, Saeed Raja’i-Khorasani, the permanent delegate to the United Nations from the Islamic Republic of Iran, declared (Spencer, 2002, p. 104): “The very concept of human rights is ‘a Judeo-Christian invention’ and inadmissible in Islam.”
The so-called peaceful Muslims would not hesitate to implement Jyzia tax on Christians and Jews, and slit the throats of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, ex-Muslims, atheists and agnostics in accordance with Sharia law. Deep down, every “believer” is potentially the judge and executioner of every “nonbeliever”. After all, both the terrorists and the peaceful Muslims are working for the same cause – to dominate the world in the name of Islam.
Since the noblest goal of a Muslim is to assist Islam rule the world, these moderate Muslims shamelessly try to deceive the infidels with their twisted logic and pathological lying. They repeat the same lies again and again thinking that it would become true if often repeated. If necessary, they will distort the meaning of Qur’anic verses as per their selfish needs. Imam Ghazali said (Shienbaum & Hasan, 2006, p. 63): “Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying, because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible”. As Imam Jafar Sadiq (cited Richardson, 2006, p. 170) advised,
“One, who exposes something from our religion, is like one who intentionally kills us.”
“You belong to a religion that whosoever conceals it, Allah will honor him and whosoever reveals it, Allah will disgrace and humiliate him.”
The peaceful and the terrorist Muslims are two sides of the same coin. For a peaceful Muslim, it is very easy to become a terrorist. Hate for non-Muslims is the basic tenet of Islam and violence is the conclusion. As Ayatollah Sadegh Khalkhali, a hard-line Iranian Judge openly declared (Scott, 2002, p. 201): “Those who are against killing have no place in Islam. Our Prophet killed with his own blessed hands. Our Imam Ali killed more than seven hundred on a single day. If the survival of the faith requires the shedding of blood, we are there to perform our duty”.
So, when a so-called peaceful Muslim emerges as a terrorist, it does not involve a discrete choice to change status. Thanks to the teachings of Islam, a terrorist is lurking inside every Muslim waiting for a chance to come out. One such example (Martin, 2010, p. 195): Qur’an says, “When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them…” (Q: 9.5). A son of Pakistani businessman was inspired by this verse and took the oath: “I state in the presence of God that I will slaughter the infidels my entire life. May God give me strength in fulfilling this oath.” Throughout the recorded history of Islam, the Qur’an, the unholiest religious book, had turned men into monsters. Muslims, generation after generation, take up the Quran’s teachings and make themselves into weapons of injustice, oppression, and domination.
Islamic terrorism is a complex phenomenon; hence, the personalities of terrorists change from person to person. It would be useless to attribute a simple and global characteristic to all of them. In Islam, terrorists can assume many different roles – only a few will actually fire the weapon or detonate the bomb or become a suicide bomber. The “personality” of a Muslim politician, or a Mullah, or a financier of Islamic terrorism, or a burqa-clad (niqab, burqa, chador – Islamic veil) illiterate Muslim woman, who gives birth to a dozen kids because a large family pleases Allah, or the simple pious bearded Muslim, who pays regular Zakat to the mosque, is different from that of an administrator, or strategist, or an assassin, or a suicide bomber. This is the essence of jihad that had been widely discussed in Islamic books on religious laws. Though some systematic differences might be discerned between those who engage in terrorism and those who do not; deep down, they have identical psychological set-up. Taylor and Quayle, the two well-known researchers of the present-age religious terrorism, concluded (1994, p. 197): “The active terrorist is not discernibly different in psychological terms from the non-terrorist; in psychological terms, there are no special qualities that characterize the terrorist.”
Who can deny the fact that the radical clerics and militant community leaders are elected by these moderate Muslims? Though terrorism expert Daniel Pipes estimates that 10 to 15 percent of world’s Muslims support jihadist agenda, there are indications from various parts of the Islamic world that the actual number is much higher. During a terrorism finance trial in New York in February 2005, Bernard Haykel, an associate professor of Islamic studies at New York University, estimated that 90 percent of the Arab Muslims support Hamas – the Islamic terrorist organization that blows up buses and restaurants filled with civilians to further its goals of a Palestinian Sharia state. Dr. Imran Waheed, the London spokesman for the international “peaceful” jihadist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, claimed in May 2005 that 99 percent of the Muslims worldwide want a caliphate to rule the world (Spencer, 2005, p. 192). These statistics confirm that those Muslims, who support terrorism, are not a tiny minority but a vast majority.
In reality, peaceful Islam does not exist. A peaceful Muslim makes as much sense as a peaceful Nazi. “Al Islam huwa al hall” (Islam is the solution) is not a slogan raised by Muslim terrorists only, but by all Muslims (Phares, 2005, p. 251). The nouns “terrorist” or “terrorists” don’t necessarily refer to everyone within a terrorist organization. In an army, not everyone carries a gun. There are many non-fighting members, e.g., accountants, cooks, fund-raisers, logistics specialists, medical doctors, nurses or recruiters – who may play only a passive support role. But all of them have the same ultimate goal, i.e., to defeat the enemy. Similarly, there are many ways to support jihad, besides personal violence. The peaceful Muslims we know are playing this passive support role and the ultimate goal is to conquer the world for Islam by wiping out the infidels and their civilizations.