By: Abdullah Al Araby
The color of one’s skin has suddenly become relevant to religion. Muslim activists have been trying to convince both native Africans and African Americans that Islam is the religion of the black man, that Islam is African and that Mohammed was black. Needless to say, Muslims only make these claims to Blacks; among Whites they take a different approach! Knowing that these are well thought-out falsifications, intended only to draw blacks towards Islam, I felt compelled to set the facts straight. Nothing in this article is meant to lend approval to this racial approach. If we are to accept or reject Islam, it should be based on Islam’s own merits, rather than color or origin. We should judge a tree by its fruit, not by the label someone puts on it. The main source of information for this article is the Quran translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, and the “Hadith”, the deeds and words of Mohammed the prophet of Islam, as recorded by Sahih al Bukhary and Sahih Moslem.
Africa Was Not The Cradle Of Islam
Islam was born in the 7th century, in the Arabian Peninsula, which is part of the continent of Asia. Yellow Asia and Black Africa are separated by the Red Sea. Here we are talking about two different continents and two different peoples. Islam went to Africa relatively recently, and it is not the predominant religion there. Africans were most likely either Christians or Animists at the time they were brought to America. Christianity has been present in Africa since the first half of the first century. St. Mark, the writer of the Gospel of Mark, was a North African Jew who preached the Gospel in Egypt. From there, Christianity spread all over North Africa, and to the south of Egypt’s borders. The Eastern church raised to the level of sainthood many Africans including St. Moses The Black from Egypt and St. Tekla Himanote from Ethiopia. Eastern Africa was converted to Christianity through the ministry of a cabinet member of Queen Candace of Ethiopia who was baptized by St. Philip, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples (Acts 8:26-40).
Mohammed Was Not A Black Man
Mohammed was a Asian-Arab. You can’t confuse an Asian-Arab with a Black African. There are numerous evidences that Mohammed was actually white. The space limitation will allow us to mention only a few: In Sahih Al Bukhary vol. 1 no. 63, we read “while we were sitting with the Prophet, a man came and said, ‘who amongst you is Mohammed?’ We replied, ‘this white man reclining on his arm…” In vol. 2, Hadith no. 122 refers to Mohammed as a “white person” and in vol. 2, Hadith no 141 we are told that when Mohammed raised his arms “the whiteness of his armpits became visible.”
Mohammed Owned Black Slaves
Mohammed referred to Blacks as slaves. He even owned several black slaves. Bilal, Abu Hurairah, Usamah Ebn Zaayed, and a “Ghullaam” (youth) named Rabbah, were among Mohammed’s slaves. Even in modern Saudi Arabia, the homeland of Islam, the common word for “Black” is “Abd” meaning slave. What was Mohammed’s position on freeing the slaves? In one instance, a man freed a slave he had kept as a sexual partner. When Mohammed heard what happened he gained possession of the boy and sold him for 800 derhams to Na-eem Ebn Abdullah Al-Nahham. (Sahih Moslem vol.7, pg. 83)
According to Mohammed, the punishment for committing adultery is different between a free man, a free woman and a slave woman. The man is to be flogged with one hundred stripes and be exiled for one year. The free woman must be stoned to death. But the slave woman (since she has a monetary value) will not be exiled or killed, she is to be flogged one hundred stripes. If the violation is repeated the slave woman is to be sold. (Sahih Al Bukhary vol. 8:821 & 822)
The student of history will tell you that the Asian-Arabs were the first and foremost slave traders. They were capturing and selling Africans into slavery for hundreds of years before the west joined them. In fact even today slavery continues to exist in many parts of the Muslim world governed by “Sharia” or Islamic law. It is reported by missionaries from South Africa that as the civil war in Sudan continues, many of the Sudanese Christians captured by the northern Muslim factions are being sold as slaves into the Islamic world. (Peter Hammond-Front Line Fellowship)
Islam Looks Down On Blacks
Islam is a religion, whose sacred scriptures contain explicitly denigrating remarks about Black people. Mohammed referred to Blacks as “raisin heads”. (Sahih Al Bukhary vol. 1, no. 662 and vol. 9, no. 256) In an authenticated Hadith, Mohammed is quoted as saying; “Blacks will steal when hungry, when cloy (full) they are promiscuous”. (Sahih Moslem) In another Hadith, Mohammed is quoted as saying that Blacks are, “pug-nosed slaves”. (Sahih Moslem vol. 9, pgs. 46-47)
Islam Is Not A Haven Of Freedom And Equality
Even if we wrongly assume that Islam started in Africa and that its Prophet was a Black man, this still would not in itself be a good reason for Blacks to adopt Islam. Nor would it be a good reason for Whites to adopt Islam just because Mohammed was white. We have to look at Islam itself. I wouldn’t want to be a Muslim because Islam is anti-freedom, which is one issue so close to the hearts and minds of Africans all over the world.
One thing Islam does not believe in is freedom of religion. If Islam takes over America, or any other country, there wouldn’t be a choice of religion. The Quran states: “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost.” (Surah 3:85) Many of the teachings of Islam are incompatible with progress and contradict common sense. Neither are they compatible with human rights or civil rights. Here are a few examples of the teachings of Islam:
1. Men are superior to Women. (Sura 2:228)
2. Women have half the rights of men:
a-In court witness (Sura 2:282)
b-In inheritance (Sura 4:11)
3. A man may beat his wife. (Surah 4:34)
4. A man may marry up to four wives at a time (polygamy). (Sura 4:3)
5. Muslims must fight until their opponents submit to Islam. (Sura 9:5)
6. A Muslim must not take a Jew or Christian for a friend. (Surah 5:54)
7. A Muslim apostate must be killed. (Surah 9:12)
8. Stealing is punished by amputation of hands. (Surah 5:41)
9. Adultery is punished by public flogging. (Surah 24:2)
10. No separation between church and state. (Surah 2:193)
11. No opposition parties allowed. (Surah 4:59)
My Dear Africans And African-Americans:
Muslims don’t care for your skin color, they are only using that angle to gain control over you. For if Muslims really care for Africans, then why are African Muslims kidnapping their African Christian brothers these days in Sudan, butchering the weak and selling the healthy as slaves? (see State Dept. report: News Network International; May 26, 1993)
Consider, on the other hand, that Jesus Christ came to give us eternal life, wherein everybody stands equal in the sight of God. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) The difference between Islam and the teachings of Jesus Christ is great. The choice is clear, the choice is yours.
“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
Galatians 5:1&2
Did you know that “Allah” is in reality a pre-Islamic pagan diety who was worshipped as a “moon god”?