I saw a giant mixing of people as if they were in a huge mixing bowl, going very fast. They were in hell. The Lord told me that they were being made one–blended together so that each could partake of the other’s agony, damnation, torment. The Lord said, just as we, His people are made one body, so are the tormented in their misery. We are one with each other and God, they are one with each other and Satan.
I saw a huge form like a mass of concrete descending over a busy city street where many pedestrians were scurrying about their day. You could feel their oppression as this mass grew closer and closer, heaviness was everywhere. The Lord told me the mass is oppression–the oppression of fear–men greatly troubled by fear in these times.
I saw a woman giving birth, not just one child but many were coming out of her. They were birthed jumping, leaping, running. Strong–they were not babes but adults, a vast cross section of people. The birthing vision has repeated itself several times over for several days. He told me the travailing prayers are bringing forth these ones who will have a zeal for God from the onset of their birth.
I saw a man with white hair and a white beard, he was sitting down, playing with a yo-yo. He had a baseball cap on his head. I asked the Lord the meaning–immaturity of eldership. Elders in this hour are childish, sottish, immature children, they only want to play–e.g. yo-yo. The Baseball cap also reflects an immature covering over his mind–dumb, childish, not developed in spiritual matters. Excellent reflection of today’s “church leaders”–sitting down, playing with a child’s toy. No wisdom to match their age, only immaturity.
I saw a very large building with stairs leading to an outside entry area. There was a steeple atop the building. In the entry area were many people. They were talking, pacing, sleeping, eating, camping with sleeping bags. But they would not leave. To me, they appeared stupid. I asked the Lord why they were all crowded on the entry area. He said they were ones He had “called out of the church” but they would go no farther. They would not forsake the church and come into Him. They had come out of the building, but they had set up their camp just outside the door, afraid they would miss something if they believed the Lord enough to follow. They all radiated bitterness and resentment. They gave the impression of stubbornness. He said, “They have come out–but they refuse to come into Me.” He said they will die in their stubbornness and perish in their rebellion.
I saw a man sitting on a bed in a prison cell, then I saw a woman in a solitary room encompassed by sorrow and pain. The Lord told me of both, that they were: “Locked in, to God”. He said He literally arranges circumstances in the lives of His people to bring them into “the locked in place”. But most refuse to yield to His hand and submit. Instead, they rebel, they run, they grow bitter and angry. The Lord says we should aspire and desire the locked in place, not despise it. It is indeed a place of great enrichment and fulfillment in terms of relationship with Him. To be locked in to God is part of His high calling.
I was taken by vision into hell, there I saw men and women in hideous states. Some were writhing, some were screaming, some were cursing, crying, and yelling. All were in agony and torments. Some were in chains, trying to no avail to free themselves. They were pulling, begging, pleading, twisting, but they could not be set free. Others were in flames, never burning up, just burning while screaming and moaning in the agonies of pain and torment. Then the Lord spoke to me, Psalms 51:3, “My sin is ever before me.” The Lord told me: “They cannot escape their sins. Those who are chained are chained to their sins, they must be with them forever. Those who are in the flames are bound to their sins likewise. The sin is there in all of its’ gruesome reality and the agonies are unfathomable in their acuteness. Forever their sins remain “unforgiven” punishing the ones who had committed them while on earth.
Then the Lord told me, “I was not willing that any should perish”. But He said, “They were willing that they should perish.” “It was in their wills that they chose this.” The scene was so ugly, so grotesque, so vile, their faces were pain, torment and horror, their bodies were corruption and vileness, the odor was vomitous. As I was praying during the same vision I caught a glimpse of a loved one–writhing, screaming, pleading–locked in by guilt, shame, and sorrow, with all the sins committed as the cruel jailer. I could not bear to see that for long.
Then the Lord told me again, “I am not willing that any should perish–don’t you be willing either. Continue to travail for souls to be redeemed.” As the vision ended I was awed at the mercy of God who does not want any to know such torment. I also knew I could have been one of those, had not Jesus taken my hideous sins away. Let us never forget His mercy is given, less we could end in that hideous hell.