Ever Learning
Today as I was praying I saw a vast multitude who appeared to be at a college or university. Their faces were pained and strained. They appeared to be pursuing learning with purpose, but yet, each one appeared frustrated. The Lord said they were students of “theology” who were ever learning, yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth which can only be found in Him and through Him. He said that the learning of men is vanity because the only way to know the truth is to know Him and that they refused to do because of their pride, both religious and intellectual.
Victors Revealed
In vision this day I saw the victors revealed, their clothing was white, glistening with the glory of God, they were single for Him with no other purpose or goal. The Lord told me that because they were completely abandoned over to Him is why they were victorious. He said that singleness of vision, commitment, and purpose will cause His people to be victors and to come forth clothed in the beauty of His holiness. He said that many know defeat because they have more than one purpose, vision, and commitment and that the things they are committed to other than the Lord cause their defeat.
Drunk on Delusion
Today as I was praying I saw a room full of drunkards, they were in debased and defiled conditions. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were drunk on delusion. He said in this rebellious generation that far too many are deluded, drunk on the same because they feed themselves deceit. The Lord said that lies are the basis of delusion and when men love lies and despise the truth, it is inevitable that they will be deluded.
Rubble Heaps
As I was praying I saw in vision heap after heap of rubble, destroyed, devastated, nations, cultures, societies, tribes, etc. Then I saw Jesus as He was on cross. Then the Lord told me that men will come and go upon the earth and what they have built will be destroyed, but that the truth remains. He said the price paid on the cross is complete and remains, none can destroy it or pull it down. He said that those who receive the truth are indeed privileged to receive of that truth for it outlasts all of the accomplishments and the rubble piles of men.
Cheap, Flimsy, Gaudy, and Trashy
Today in vision I saw the treasure of the Lord shining with His glory. Then I saw that all of the treasure of men looked cheap, flimsy, gaudy, and trashy by comparison. The Lord said that the treasure of men is merely vanity and will be melted coming to absolutely nothing. He said that His treasure is real and will continue. He showed me how privileged we are as His people to receive the real treasure of His Kingdom.
Worthless Riches
Today as I was praying I saw in vision men in great poverty. The Lord said that they were that way because they did not go for the true riches found in Christ Jesus. Because they had pursued emptiness and vanity they reaped poverty in the spiritual dimension. The Lord said that in His eyes the very rich are in poverty because they have nothing in the eternal Kingdom, He said the riches of this world are utterly worthless and He it is who gives the true riches.
God’s Captains
Today I saw an auditorium filled with mostly men and some women wearing captain hats. They were praising the Lord. The Lord said that they were His captains, ready for battle. He said that they had been trained by the Holy Ghost for warfare. He said that they were the called and chosen for His battle is at hand.
Pity Seekers
Today as I was in prayer, I saw many people with doleful looks, their bottom lips were stuck out. Their shoulders were slumped, and everything about them seemed to elicit pity. They were looking for someone, anyone to tell their sad tales to. The Lord said that they were living completely for themselves and were therefore defeated. The Lord said that they choose that place because they want to be worshiped for their misery etc. He said that they basically big babies and that they never lifted their vision beyond their misery and their desire for attention through self pity.
Thirsty Fighting
Today in vision I saw two men fighting over a canteen that contained water. They were fighting and pushing each other, causing quite a disturbance. Apparently they were desperate from thirst. But very close by was a beautiful stream of flowing fresh water, but they never touched it. Instead the men were fighting each other senselessly over one small canteen of water. The Lord said that is how His people are, fighting continually with each other over a very small amount of water (revelation) when they could drink of the abundant waters that He has in store. They completely miss the flowing presence of the Living God, while they are busy about their petty disputations and quarrelings. The Lord said that they are a grief to Him and it is indeed the trick of the enemy to get His people hurting each other over something when He has abundance of the very thing they are fighting over.
Great Oppression
As I was praying this day I saw men and women under great oppression from the enemy. They were under strain and distress daily, generalized oppression on every hand. The Lord told me, they are failing to look to me, instead they are looking to the wicked one to see what he can do against them next. He said that their expectancy was in the wicked one in a twisted way, because they were looking to him to see what new thing he would try or use against them. The Lord said because of that they were oppressed because they weren’t concentrating their energies on the life, but rather on the death. The Lord said that He does not want our vision on the wicked one, but on Him for He alone is our strength, our hope, our vision. He said when we get our vision off of Him, then we begin to lose hope and strength and concentrate more on the negative.
Puffy Puffers
Today in vision I saw men soft and puffy, obviously unfit for battle. Yet, they were making great speeches, huffing and puffing about their own capabilities regarding spiritual warfare. They were busy bragging on themselves, yet they were obviously self-lovers. The Lord that their physical condition was indictative of their spiritual condition. The Lord said despite their huffing and puffing, that they were already defeated by their own carnality and were living in delusion. Because they were unfit for battle the only warfare they waged was imaginary. He said when men are unfit for the battle, they are likewise unfit for His Kingdom.
Submitted Show Glory of God
Today as I was praying, I saw by vision I saw a small band of people. They radiated the joy and the glory of God. When I inquired of the Lord, He said, these ones are submitted to my sovereignty over them. They accept my kingship over their lives, therefore they live in my joy.
God’s Authority Rejected
I saw in vision this day, a large group of people who appeared vexed and frustrated. The Lord said that they claimed to be His yet they rejected His authority over their lives. He said they brought on their troubles because of their failure to accept His rule over them, He said they were literally frustrating their ownselves.
Grabbing at Emptiness
Today as I was praying I saw by vision a place in hell of great ugliness. The people there were grabbing at emptiness, they were very abusive towards each other. The Lord said they were the greedy, always wanting more than they needed, having caused much sorrow to themselves and others likewise. Their lust and greed had separated them from God, the only way that restoration could be made was through repentance so that it will not repeat itself.
Two Headed People
As I was praying this day I saw in vision people with two heads, they were very strange to look upon. It seemed as though the two heads opposed each other, causing much disturbance to the people who had such heads. When I inquired of the Lord, He told me that this condition is common among His people in this hour for they cause their own troubles by having two heads. He said if they would abandon their own way then they would be freed and could grow and flourish in His way. He said that when His people say they are His yet desire to have their own way, they are the two headed ones because there are two heads over them, the Lord, and the flesh of the individuals. He said that those who are unsubmitted are very miserable.
Glorious Light
Today as I was praying I saw in the Spirit a beautiful vision of glorious light coming forth, the light was of beautiful colors with many hues shining forth. When I asked the Lord, He told me that it was His glory that He desired to give to His people. Yes He said that most of His people live in darkness and gloominess, never receiving the great glorious light that the Lord desires His people to have. He said that we must open up our souls to receive all of the light as we are meant to be the children of the light. He said that we need to be open to that light that it can come into us and show forth through us and draw others to Him. We are meant to be divine channels of His glorious light in a sin-sickened, darkened world.
Steadfast Receive the Crown
Today in vision I saw two men on a trail, the first was running with no respect of danger. The other was walking with careful consideration of his movements. The one running turned back to mock the slower one, laughing at the stupidity of the slow one! Soon the mocking runner fell face down, apparently tripping over something in the trail. He hurt himself quite badly and crawled to the side of the trail, unable to continue. The walker, the slow one, kept on walking and walking towards the goal ahead. When I inquired of the Lord He said, it is the steadfast who complete the course and receive the crown. He said that those who run without wisdom are the ones who end up not completing the course because they are sure of themselves. But the ones who complete the course through careful consideration and recognition of their need for Him are the ones who will receive the incorruptible crown.
Caught In a Trap
Today as I was praying I saw a man caught in a trap. He was trying frantically to escape, but there was no escape. When I inquired of the Lord He said that He did not lead the man to the trap but the man had gotten his eyes off of Jesus and walked his own way. His own way led him right to the entrapment and impending destruction. The Lord said had he kept his eyes upon Him he never would have been led to the trap but would have been warned and kept from the trap. If we keep following the Lord, He will keep us and protect us from the snares of the wicked one.
Not Acceptable
Today I saw in vision men with slips of paper in their hands, on the paper was stamped in big red letters: NOT ACCEPTABLE. When I inquired of the Lord as to what it meant, He told me that they were not acceptable to Him. He said that the reason they were rejected is that they had rejected His way, in other words, they thought they could be acceptable by doing things their own way. The Lord said that because they chose to walk in such a disorderly way that they were rejected. He said had they merely accepted His provision, they could have been redeemed and brought forth. He said that many who are highly religious will receive this stamp because they reject His righteousness and set out to establish their own righteousness.
Troubling Spirits bring Defeat
Today as I was praying I saw many men and women fallen down in great despair, they were defeated. The Lord told me that they had paid heed to troubling spirits instead of paying heed to Him. He said that we are mean to remain true unto Him, standing on His word. We are not meant to pay heed to troubling spirits which only bring despair and defeat. He said that we must learn to stand valiant for the truth and wrestle against the principalities and powers that seek to overwhelm us through the troubling technique and destroy our testimony.