Diligent Make the Journey
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, two women preparing for a journey. The first was diligent in her preparation, keeping a good pace. The second was lazy and not persistent. Warning was given to her yet she refused to pick up her speed. Consequently the first woman made it to the station, boarded her train and was happily on her journey. The second woman finally arrived at the station with all of her bags, but she had missed her train. She sat and cried but to no avail, for the train was gone. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me so it is with His people. He said that the diligent will continue in the way of life, but the slothful shall sit and weep but is shall be too late. The Lord said that if His people will move with His timing, they will be in His way, but He said when His people expect to move according to their timing they miss out with Him.
Countenance Reflects Mind set
This day as I prayed I saw in vision first of all a man whose countenance is darkened. He was complaining over everything. Then I saw another man whose face was light, he was giving thanks and praise for everything. The Lord said that the first man made his world ugly by his attitude or his mind set. He said that the second man made his world beautiful by his gratitude towards God. The Lord wants us giving thanks and praise continually that our faces show forth His glory.
Well Pleasing Bring Peace
Today as I was praying I saw in vision a people who appeared shining. From them came a spirit of oneness, a spirit of purity. As I inquired of the Lord He said that these were the ones who are well pleasing unto Him because they walk in His will. The Lord said that if all of His people would walk in His will that great peace would be extended to the sons of men in the earth. He said that where His people abide whether in His will or out of His will has a great affect on the earth and on the other peoples of the earth.
Many Despise His Authority
This day as I prayed I saw in vision a scene of complete confusion and madness. All about were men and women in discord and dismay. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that this is what happens when men throw off His authority and walk according to their own understanding. He said that they bring forth confusion. The Lord said that many have rejected His authority in this generation, despising His authority and choosing their own will, their own way which is madness. The Lord said that He does not want us in our way but in His way for His way is life and order according to His authority.
No Admittance
This day as I prayed I saw again and again a gate which bore in huge red letters the words, NO ADMITTANCE. The Lord said that this is a warning for many who think they are fine who will not be allowed admittance because they will not go God’s way, but they want their own way. The Lord said when men and women want their own way, they will not be allowed admittance into His Kingdom. He said that He welcomes those who come in who are wanting His will, His way. The Lord said that he welcomes those to come who are wanting His will, His way. He said that many will be reaping in regret for they will face the NO ADMITTANCE and they will not be able to enter in because they refused the Lord’s way, imaging that they would be intensely welcomed.
His Provision is Goodness
Today as I prayed I saw in a vision, a beautiful valley. In that place there was abundance of food, good water, clean air, all of God’s goodness provided. Then I saw city streets many were poor, sick, homeless, and begging. The Lord said that the valley is His provision for His people where there is goodness, abundance, blessedness. He said the city is man’s work, his way with all of its sorrow, sickness, pain, and death. He said that men refuse His goodness and choose instead their own way, suffering all of their days. The Lord said that idolatry is the will of man and causes great distress because men refuse the Living God. We don’t need to have our own way which is distress, but we can choose His will, His way which is the life abundant.