Knowledgeable In Hell
Today through prayer I was shown a vision of people in hell under great torments. They were quoting scriptures and carrying on in the midst of their torments, exercising their knowledge. Yet they were not set free, nor did their exhibition of their knowledge establish them with the Lord. The Lord said that even though they had a knowledge of the word, they did not believe the word, for it was only in their minds and not in their hearts. The Lord said because they did not believe the scripture that they quoted they had spent their time on earth trying to undermine the Lord’s way. He said that while they had a form of godliness, they denied the power of the word, therefore all of their knowledge did them no good, in fact it increased their torments.
Trembling and Weeping
As I prayed today I saw a huge group of people who trembling and weeping as they were terribly tormented. When I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the “fearful”, but that they did not fear Him. He said that the numbers of these ones is increasing daily as the terror increases. He said that too many choose fear as their head and they refuse to choose Him. He said that whenever we believe fear we actually show that we believe the devil who is a perpetual liar.
Upright Walk, a Thing of the Past
Today in vision I saw a young man who was standing tall, walking uprightly with a dignified aura of righteousness about him. His clothing was very old fashioned. The Lord told me that he was a representative of a by-gone era when those professing His name kept the standard of righteousness. The Lord told me to consider the youth of today who profess Him, how that they reflect the aura of gangsters, rockers, rappers, etc. He said that they are literally decadent while they profess that they are His people. The Lord said that the present generation has abandoned the Spirit of holiness and righteousness. He said that He never intended His people to imitate and emulate the heathen, but rather to walk uprightly in Him. He said that as His people, we are meant to rise above the world and soar in what He has prepared for us. We are meant to be an overcoming people.
Spiritual Emergency
Today as I was praying I saw by vision people involved in a great upheaval. Apparently it was an emergency situation as there were emergency vehicles everywhere and men and women were running madly about trying to meet with the emergency at hand. There were different colored lights flashing, and people dressed in various uniforms of their particular profession going every which way trying to bring together assistance in the situation. The Lord told me that they were very serious about the emergency situation at hand which had to do with natural circumstances and life in the flesh. But He said that none of them even cared about the Spiritual Emergency situation that each one was in. He said that all of those there did not even realize that beyond a literal emergency that there was the Spiritual Emergency that each one of them was perishing and that the condition of their souls was horrid in the eyes of God. He said that it is tragic how many of them will wear themselves out over natural emergencies while they care absolutely nothing about the Spiritual Emergency of the destiny of their souls and the souls of others. The Lord said that the greatest crisis that can ever face any man, woman, or child, is the destiny of their souls if they are not settled with Him. He also said that our greatest concern should be the condition of the souls of men.
Earth Vomiting Up
In vision as I was praying this day I saw the earth appear as though it was heaving up and down. It was as though the earth was violently vomiting up. Buildings were crumbling, falling to the ground, freeways and railroads were being twisted as the earth itself moved under the stress of the vomiting taking place. People were running everywhere, screaming in fear, cursing God, just overwhelmed. There were many who were dead, many who were dying, many seriously injured. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that He will bring great distress of nations–and that the earth will vomit out the abominations done upon her. He said that many will die as a consequence for the earth itself will be unsettled and spew forth the weight of the sins that have been committed upon her. The Lord said that we should cry out for remnant to be spared from the wickedness all about that they be kept by the Lord in the time of His wrath revealed.
Rubble and Ruination
Today as I was praying I was shown by vision, rubble and ruination everywhere I looked I saw rubble and ruination. The Lord told me that there was great devastation coming to the sons of men because they trusted in falsity and vanity. The Lord said He would bring down the proud and haughty, the lofty in this generation. He said that He will bring to rubble and ruination all of the clever inventions of men who had trusted in themselves and in the works of their hands. Yes He said, that He can bring down even in a night, the things which men have labored years to build, that He can reduce to rubble and ruination everything that men are so proud of. He said that He desires men would look to Him and behold His mighty works that they be kept from the vanity of their own imaginations and be brought forth in His glory rather than be caught in the great devastation that is coming.
Behold His Glory
Today when praying I saw a beautiful plain, it was filled with a colorful array of fresh blooming wild flowers. Above the sky was a magnificent array of the work of the Master. The Lord told me, to behold His glory. As I looked upon the scene, I was uplifted at the beauty of His handiwork. Then I was shown a filthy, crowded city with the streets full of wickedness on every hand. The Lord told me to behold the glory of man. I saw the difference–how limited men are, how unclean, wicked, perverse, and evil. And I saw how beautiful and limitless God is. I told Him all over again how thankful I am to be His, to be in His limitless glory and partake of the beauty of His holiness and to see His handiwork revealed.
Lost Treasure
As I was praying, I saw men and women tightly holding bags of money. But the bags had holes and the money was dropping to the ground. They were losing their treasure and they didn’t even realize what was happening. The Lord said that His people store their treasure in bags with holes and therefore lose their treasure again and again, and again. He said that it need not be so if they would store up their treasure in the right place–that is the heavenly dimensions. He said so many of those professing to be His lose their treasure because they seek of the treasures of this earth rather than the treasures of the eternal realm.
Joyous Faces
By vision, I saw men and women with their faces joyous and they were not troubled by the cares of this life. Their faces reflected their trust and belief in God and they shone with the light of God upon them. The Lord said that these were the ones who believed in Him. He said that He wants all of His people to shine in such a way because of their trust in Him. He said that He desires the faces of His people to be joyous. However He said that far too many of those professing that they are His have their faces darkened because they do not believe and trust in Him. He said that what His people believe in will show on their faces.
Walls Block Spirit Life
As I was praying this day I saw in vision, a doorway that looked as though it led to a passageway but it did not. For once the door was opened there was a thick wall about ten feet in front of the door blocking all passage. As I inquired of the Lord as to the meaning, He told me that His people are full of blockages like the wall. He said that those walls in His people must be pulled down or opened up for His Spirit life to continue to grow in His people. But He said that far too many of those professing to be His tenaciously cling to their walls, trusting in those things rather than Him. The Lord said that those walls are literally blockages to faith and growth in the Lord.
Treasure Discarded
In prayer this day I saw by vision a man upon a very high bridge. He took a heavy looking bag and threw it down into the waters below, never to be seen again. Then, the man came down off of the bridge. He walked through the city streets. I was given to understand that the bag he had cast down had been full of golden coins which were of great value. As he walked through the city, he was begging for pennies, nickels, dimes, anything he could get. His clothing was worn and ragged, he looked malnourished, as though he was the victim of acute poverty. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that the man was representative of this generation. He said that this generation has thrown away the treasure and now they are begging, and scrounging, settling for anything. He said that they have brought their poverty upon themselves because they have thrown away the things of real and lasting value. While men of this generation may appear to have material riches, they are poor because they have thrown away the treasure of the Living God and His Kingdom principles. Instead they are now beggars, groveling for that which is paltry, vile, perverse and of no value. They have cast the treasure away and settled for almost nothing.
Limitless Waters
Today in vision as I was in prayer, I saw two men. One was swimming in a beautiful, crystal clear river. He was thoroughly enjoying the waters which were vast and endless. The other man sat nearby with a teacup of water which was dirty and polluted. He was jealously guarding the water, declaring it was all there was. The Lord said the first man had found the limitless waters of life. He was in the joy, the abundance of the same. The second man was as those in churchianity, busy guarding his cup of dirty, polluted water thinking that he had it all. While nearby, the endless river flowed. Yet he refused to enter into the limitless waters of life. He regarded the polluted water as his treasure. The Lord said the first man was free in Him and that he would partake of the waters of life continually because they were available. He also said that the second man was as those who are trapped in the denominational mind set, so convinced that the little cup of water was so great when it was dirty and polluted. The Lord also said that the second man had been invited to partake of the limitless waters of life but that he had refused because he imagined that he had so much. He said so are many in these days, they receive the invitation, but they refuse the same because they are so convinced that their little bit of water is all there is.
Busy About Nonsense
Today as I was praying I saw in a vision, men and women busy about nonsense. They were engaged in continual activity over vanity and foolishness. Then I saw the Lord weeping. I asked why? He said that those were His people, busy about nonsense, foolishness, having no time for Him. They were spending their lives for vanity, neglecting the great salvation that had been given. The Lord said that they were a shame and a sorrow, a grief to Him.
Abusive Pigs
Today when I prayed I saw a vision of pigs being loaded into a large truck to go to market. As they were entering the chute to get into the back of the truck, they were very abusive towards each other. They were kicking, pushing, climbing on one another’s backs, eager to enter into the truck that was to take them to their own destruction. The Lord said of the pigs, so it is with men. They are abusing one another, eager to get to their own destruction. He said that men without Him are mere brute beasts, abusing one another in the process of bringing themselves to destruction.
Reward of Never Ending Cruelty
Today as I prayed I was shown by vision, the habitations of cruelty in hell. Those who were there were under unbelievable torments, cruel, merciless torments, screams of agony, yet no escape. They were subjected to never ending cruelty, because they were very cruel. The Lord said that despite their cruelty, that He had offered them life through His mercy. But He said that they rejected His mercy, and instead chose to continue in cruelty. He said that therefore never ending cruelty was their reward.
Wild Beasts Devour Sleeping
In vision this day as I was praying I saw a narrow trail leading up a mountainside. Many men were laying over on the sides of the trail, sleeping. All about there were wild beasts seeking to devour them. Some bodies of the dead victims of the beasts remained half-eaten and mauled by the wild beasts. The Lord said, these are the weary ones who did not cry out to me for the strength to continue. But instead they gave up along the way and succumbed to the spirit of defeat and went to sleep along the way. The Lord said that once the men curl up in the position of sleep all of their defenses are gone and they are easy prey for the wild beasts who roam continually about. The Lord said that had He commanded them to sleep, He would have stationed His angels about them and kept them, but He said they chose to sleep when they should have been watching and praying. He said because such ones yielded themselves to sloth and sleep, they became automatically subject to the wicked one’s plot to destroy them through the wild beasts. The Lord said that He desires His people to be subject unto Him and not to give into spirits that set them up to be destroyed.
Shining with His Glory
Today as I prayed I saw in a vision a group of people who were shining with the glory of God. They were beautiful and joyous. The Lord said that they were in the heavenly dimensions because they had sought to be well pleasing unto Him. They had not sought for their own way, but had sought for His way and had desired to serve Him with gladness all of their days. He said that these ones were in such a place because they had sought to be well pleasing to Him and had kept their covenant. He said that all of His people could be in such a place if they would put Him first in their lives.
The Lord’s Way is Beautiful
As I prayed this day I saw in vision a beautiful waterfall, clear, pure, clean waters flowing continually down in a sparkling cascade of beauty. Then I saw a filthy polluted pond, full of trash and debris. The Lord told me the vision of the waterfall is what He the Living God has prepared for His people, the way beautiful. Then He said that the second view of the polluted pond was what men make for themselves, full of corruption and uncleanness. perversity and defilements, polluted by the wickedness of men.
Slapping Away the Lord
This day as I prayed I saw in vision men and women in hell, they were continually tormented, vexed, and distraught. They could be seen continually biting at the air, very angry, hostile, and bitter. Then they were slapping wildly at some unseen force. They actually looked quite stupid, as they carried on with their biting, slapping, and then incessant ranting that they were never given a chance. When I inquired of the Lord, He told me that yes, they had been given many chances but that they had slapped away His hand of mercy and tried to bite His hand every time He had wanted to feed them. He said that they were forever ungrateful and complaining, and that now they were locked into the behavior they had chosen. Instead of knowing His mercies, and eating from His hand, they were now locked into the very behaviors they had used against Him.
Lips Protruding with Cursings
Today I was shown another habitation in hell by vision as I prayed unto the Lord. I saw men and women who appeared to be attractive from a distance. They were together in one area which was a habitation in hell, an abode of darkness. As I looked more closely I saw that they all had ugly mouths, their lips were large, protruding, and full of cursings. In fact their mouths looked like caverns. The Lord said they destroyed themselves through the issue of their own lips. They had brought themselves to damnation by the issue of their lips. They had steadfastly refused to give thanks and praise but continued daily in their utterances of death. He said that they had received the reward of their own lips and the reward they received would be their haunting and habitation in hell.