Come Unto Me
In vision this day as I prayed, I was shown Jesus, He was glorious, beautiful in His presence. He was standing with His arms outstretched, and He was saying, “come unto me, and I will give thee. . . .” Then I saw a well dressed man who was unclean of spirit, he was saying, “come unto me and I will take. . .” Then I saw men and women running to the man, rejecting Jesus, rejecting His mercy, His compassion, His love. They were actually desiring to be used and abused by the wicked man. They rejected the Lord in all of His compassion and mercy and willingness to help them, to forgive them, to comfort them, and they literally ran to the one who was going to take unfair advantage of them. Then I saw Jesus again, there were tears in His eyes.
Too Many Eyes
As I prayed this day I saw in vision strange looking creatures. They had the bodies of men and women but their heads had many sets of eyes. They appeared to be confused and disorderly because they had too many eyes. The Lord that their deformity was the consequence of their not keeping their vision single to Him. He said that each set of eyes looked upon different things, bringing confusion of purpose upon them. He said that it is absolutely necessary to keep our vision single unto Him to avoid this prevailing deformity which many are stricken with in the spiritual dimension.
Crawling With Thieves
In prayer this day I saw a vision of a group of people in a room, they were sitting up but many were sound asleep in their chairs. Others were dozing off, not cognizant of what was going on in the room. The room was opened up in that the windows and doors were all unlocked and left wide open. The room was literally crawling with thieves who were going from person to person lifting whatever they wanted, money, jewelry, even some articles of outer clothing. When I inquired of the Lord He told me such is the condition of the church, they are sleeping, dozing, none is guarding nor keeping watch and the devil and his demons are as thieves robbing the people of their heavenly treasures.
Power of Choice
Today as I prayed I saw in vision the banner of victory flying over a people who were standing for the truth. They were light and the Lord said that the banner of victory was over them because they believed Him. I was shown other people who had over them the banner of defeat, the Lord said that they had chosen unbelief and therefore they were defeated, the prey of their enemies. He said in each instance the banner which was erected was because of the choices of the people. He said that our power of choice will determine whether we walk in victory or defeat. He said that if we choose to believe Him then we will know victory and if we choose to disbelieve Him then we will know defeat. Our choice determines what we receive.
Slime Swimmers
In prayers this day I was shown a vision of a large group of people congregated at a swimming hole. They were diving into the filthy, polluted water. They would come out covered in slime, acting as though they were having a “great” time. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that the religious deceived are doing just that, diving into and swimming in filthy, slimy, unclean waters. They are so blind to their own unclean state and the stench of the rotten polluted waters. They actually think they are having a “great” time when all the while they are swimming in slime and becoming increasingly more polluted. The Lord said He ordained that His people would come into the pure, clean, undefiled waters that He provides and be cleansed. However He said that those who chose the polluted waters just get more filthy by the day, instead of ever being cleansed.
Trust Lies, Receive Nothing
In prayers this day I was shown a long line at a bank–men and women attempting to get their own monies out of the bank. But they could not get their monies. Some went half insane, others were crazed with rage becoming belligerent and cursing loudly. Still others were completely breaking down emotionally, weeping and screaming in agony and grief. As I inquired the Lord told me that they had trusted in lies because they had believed in men and their systems. He said they had not believed in Him, even the ones who said that they were His. He said that the consequence was that they received nothing. The Lord said that in the times ahead many will literally be left destitute because they are trusting in lies and not the truth.
Refuse Counsel of Life
Today as I was praying I saw in vision a multitude of people with their hands over their ears. The Lord said they refused to listen to the counsel of life. He said that instead they would go on in their own stubbornness and willfulness, refusing the counsel of God. He said that such ones cause their own demise because they do not listen. But He said if they would only listen and obey they could receive the great goodness He has in store.
Fearful Create Prisons
Today in vision I saw men behind bars, they were pacing up and down like caged animals unable to be free. When I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the fearful who create their own prisons. He said that they yield to fear and refuse to have faith in Him. He said because they yield to fear that it becomes their master and they that they are literally prisoners of the same. He said once they become prisoners of fear it is impossible for them to believe in Him by faith. He said that fear is a terrible crippler and that it will cause men to lose their souls. He said that many of those who profess that they are His are literally bound by unreasonable fears and are imprisoned by the same. He said that we should resist fear and keep our confidence in Him lest we become imprisoned.
Tormented by the Truth
Today I was shown by vision as I prayed souls in hell who were in horrid torments. The Lord told me that they were ones who had once known the truth yet had turned to deception. They were forever tormented by the truth they had rejected. They were bound forever by the lies which they had chosen in preference to the truth. Some of them were screaming in madness, cursing yet never able to escape the burning of the truth. The Lord said that the truth is inescapable and men will ever be subject to the truth, either for blessing or cursing as these ones were those who had rejected the truth but could not escape it.
Body Reflects Sowing
As I was praying today I saw two men in a vision. One of the men was covered in oozing sores as though his flesh was rotting. The other man was glowing as though his body was full of the light. As I inquired of the Lord He said that the first man had sown to the flesh and was consequently reaping corruption. The second man who had sown unto the Spirit was bringing forth eternal life and light. The Lord said that even the flesh body shows what men have sown unto.
The Trail
Today in vision I saw the trail that led over the mountains. There were many men lying along the trail. Their burdens were strewn about, some were asleep, some were dying, some were dead. Then I saw a few who were under heavy burdens yet they were lively. The Lord said that the first ones had wearied in well doing–thrown off their burdens, and forsook the way. The second ones who still had their burdens had learned to rely on the Lord and so their burdens had become light.
The Cups
Today as I prayed I saw in vision two tables of equal size full of cups. The first table bore cups that were full of pure fresh water, the second table bore cups full of strong, intoxicating drink. Then I saw a gate holding back a large crowd of people. The gate was opened, and the crowd rushed in running. Most of them ran to the second table which had cups of intoxicating drink. A few went to the first table where the cups held the waters that were pure and full of life. The Lord said that most would go for the wine of worldliness and drink the same. It becomes the cup of His wrath and fury and indignation against them. The ones who drink the cup the Father has given of the waters of life, they literally drink of the cup of blessing. The Lord notice how many greedily partake of that which is intoxicating and is death. And how few there are who choose to partake of the life.
In prayer this day I saw in vision two mounds. One contained a stack of neatly wrapped gifts, the other contained garbage and rubble. The Lord said the first mound contained all of the gifts He had for His people. Yet most of the gifts were untouched, unclaimed, and unused. The second mound contained trinkets, trash of the world, worthless and of no value. Yet the rubble of the second mound was looked upon by men as though of great value when in the reality before the Lord it was of no value. The Lord said that men do not receive the gifts of love and life, instead they receive the things of death and hatred. Men value that which destroys their souls and jealously go for the same, refusing the gifts of God and leaving them unclaimed.
Muzzled by Pride
Today as I prayed I saw in vision a group of people. They were wearing what appeared to be muzzles. When I inquired of the Lord He said that they were muzzled by pride. He said that they had never been released to the true ministry of the Lord because they would not die unto themselves in the realm of pride. He said that pride is an abomination, causing men and women to stay bound. God desires His people released for His purpose to declare the truth unhindered by pride. He said that He desires His people be freed from the muzzles of pride and declaring the truth.
Distorted, Defective Babies
Today I saw in vision as I prayed, distorted and defective babies. They were pathetic, some were very ugly and horrid looking, even frightening. As I looked upon them, I asked the Lord, why? He told me they were spirit children born under distorted and compromising coverings. He said they were so cursed because of the sins of the elders bringing them forth. He also said that multitudes of such little ones are brought forth daily and that they suffer by no fault of their own. He said when the elders distort the truth, they cause the children to bear the curse.
His Hand Slapped Away
Today as I was praying I saw the beautiful nail scarred hand of the Lord. That hand reached out unto men, then the same men slapped and pushed that hand away. The Lord said that men do that to Him when He offers them His hand because they are full of fear and bound by the same. He said He does not want His people bound by fear, but to accept His helping hand He gives that they could be led forth in faith and be given all that He has for them. He said if His people would walk by faith, they would overcome fear, knowing His helping hand is continually available unto them. He said really that men are dull and do not even perceive many times that He is trying to help them and so they react out of fear and negativity and cause their own complications.
Soul Sick
Today as I was praying I saw a vast multitude who were sick, diseased, crippled and dying. The Lord told me that their souls were sick, and their bodies reflected the condition of their souls. He said that He can heal all of their diseases etc. if they turn to Him. He said that He can heal their souls, and that unfortunately many prefer to suffer in their bodies rather than confess their sins and trust Him. He said that He wants to heal them and make them whole.
The Chambers
Today as I was praying, I was taken by vision down a long dark corridor, at the end of which were several chambers. From the chambers came agonizing screams of horror. Beggings, pleadings, cries for mercy could all be heard coming from the chambers. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that these were the chambers of pain and those locked within were the ones who had pleasure in inflicting pain on others and even causing pain to the Lord by their hardness of heart towards Him. The Lord said that because of the pleasure they found in inflicting pain, that pain would be given back to them continually.
His Glories
Today while praying I saw by vision men who were existing on a very low plane of existence. Yet they were acting as though they had great knowledge. Then I saw others who were obviously on a much higher plane. The Lord told me the ones in the latter plane were the ones who had entered into His glories. That is, they were high above because of His covering and not because of their own superiority. He told me that many men miss out because they never let go of the control but must always pretend. But He said the ones released to Him shall be in His glories.
Bloated on Bitterness
This day as I prayed, I saw in vision men and women who were not fat in their faces, nor their limbs, but they had huge bellies. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they were bloated on the bilge waters of their own bitterness. He said that the bilge waters kept the living waters from flowing forth of them. He said that instead of new life, that there was only bitterness and accusation. The Lord said that such a condition does not need to be so. He said that if men and women would walk in the fear of God, they would be kept by Him and they would have the living waters flowing in their lives. He said that they would not be carrying around the huge bellies but that they would be cleansed by the living waters.