Disobedience Brings Death
This day as I was praying I saw in vision a funeral. Many were weeping, crying, mourning deeply. The dead was a man in his thirties, leaving behind a wife as his widow and his children fatherless. The Lord said that he was taken prematurely because of disobedience. The Lord said that there are many who die before their time because they do not obey the Lord, but yield themselves to the lust of the flesh. Then because they yield to the flesh, they reap corruption and premature death. There is great tragedy in such cases, because the disobedient end in death and leave many to sorrow over their demise. These things do not need to be, if men would only learn to obey and walk uprightly with the Lord.
Death Stalking and Devouring
Today in prayer I saw a vision of men, women, and children dying of an epidemic disease. No one could cure them, and they were dying like flies. It was really a horrid scene and as I inquired of the Lord, He said that death shall stalk the land and devour many. He said that all who do not submit to Him and seek His way shall be subject to the devouring of the epidemic disease. The Lord said that these are times when men shall not be able to keep themselves from the stalking death but only those who are in Him will be kept.
Time of Sorrow is Here
As I was praying I saw in vision multitudes taken in great grief–wailing, crying, screaming in great sorrow and anguish of heart. And I inquired of the Lord, He said, the time of sorrow is here. Because men wanted their own way, their own lust, and despised the Lord’s way, He said He has turned them over to their desires. Those desires destroy them, causing much sorrow, shame, and grief. The Lord said that His desire is that men would receive His joy, but they do not. He said it is because they are so desirous of their own way, even though it is killing them. Their sorrows are multiplied because they have hastened after other gods and other ways, and the time of their sorrow is here.
Hard Lives
Praying today I saw in vision people who had very hard faces. They were living extremely hard lives and I could not understand why. When I inquired of the Lord, He said that their lives were hard, and growing harder day by day because they had hardened themselves against Him, against His will, and against His mercy. The Lord said that He desires a broken people who will receive all that He desires to Give. He said that He is the giver of mercy unto all of those who will receive. But He said that those who harden their hearts against Him provoke Him to anger. Then they receive the hard, ugly things in their lives because that is what they believe for. He said that He does not ordain His people to have hard lives but they bring it upon themselves through their unbelief in His goodness.
Enchantments for Destruction
Today as I was praying I saw a long road full of enchanting places, each one enticing and alluring men and women for the destruction of their souls. Every enticing enchantment was set up to only beguile and deceive and likewise destroy. Many are so dumb they go forth as brute beasts and they are destroyed and damned. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that He wants us alert to see, avoid, and warn others as to Satan’s enchantments which are only for destruction of the souls of men. He said that we are to preach against and warn others of the death sentence that is found in sin.
Men Create Problems
Today as I prayed,, I saw in vision a huge complex with thousands of lights, cars were zooming every which way. It was a place of confusion and distress, anxiety and fear. Then I saw a beautiful wilderness place–calm, still, and lovely–it was the beauty of God’s creation. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that men create their own problems, then they set out to bring them forth. He said that what He has made is pure, undefiled, and lovely. He said that men spoil, defile and destroy.
Busy for Nothing
Today as I prayed I saw in vision a large group of people who were very busy. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they were busy for nothing. He said that all of their busy-ness was to bring forth vanity and vexation. He said that He desires us busy about His purpose, His plan for our lives. He said that most people live their lives in pursuit of emptiness. We are meant to spend our lives in pursuit of Him and thank Him that He is our God. He does not want us busy about nothing, but busy about His desire for your lives.
Transgressions bring Troubles
Today as I was praying I saw in vision a man whose life was full of troubles. The Lord said that he was a transgressor who had chosen to violate the laws of God. Because of those transgressions he committed, he knew sorrow, and heaviness day by day. Then I saw another man whose face was glowing with the presence of God. The Lord said that he was an obedient vessel. He said because of the man’s obedience that he was able to receive the goodness of God. He also said that men make their own troubles by their transgressions, then they want to draw others into their troubles.
Proud Fools Struggle in Vain
Today I saw a woman struggling with a heavy load, unable to carry it alone yet too proud to release it to God. The Lord told me as I inquired of Him that there are many proud fools who struggle in vain because they are too proud to ask Him for His joy, His delight, His help which is readily available. He said that they are the proud fools who are literally killing themselves.
Renewed Strength
I saw in vision as I prayed this day a group of weary, worn pilgrims who were needy. They had gathered together and cried out to God. The Lord said that He heard their petitions because they brought their need before Him. He said that He met them in their need and that they went forth with renewed strength. He said that He desires that we would cry unto Him, that He could be our strength and our refuge.
Chaos and Confusion Ahead
As I was praying this day I saw in vision men, women, and children running every which way in total confusion and chaos. Madness was reigning. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that the days of chaos and confusion are ahead. He said that the only ones who will stay purposed and calm are the ones focused on Him. Without Him men will live their daily lives in this confusion and chaos and madness will be their head.
Unrepentant are Proud
Today as I was praying I saw a room full of bragging, boasting men who were full of themselves. They were literally drunk on pride. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were claiming His name yet they were not sorry for their sins. In some instances He said that they were so proud of their sins that they actually bragged and boasted over the same. He said that they were vainly puffed up in their wickedness. He said because of the vanity of their minds they were really His enemies. The Lord said such ones because of their intoxication on pride that they were definitely hell bound.
Spiritual Adulterers
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, men and women in hell, they were screaming, begging for mercy, promising to be true. They kept on wailing incessantly, pleading for pity, yet they were still in the flames of hellfire. The Lord said that these were the spiritual adulterers who had been untrue, loving other gods, other lovers. The Lord said that they had spent their lives in lies, telling lies, living lies, loving lies. He said because of their adulteries with the accompanying lies, that the hell they were in, was their reward.
Lord Delights in Determined
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men and women who had their faces in one direction. They were looking upward, their faces were shining. Upon their faces there was a look of complete determination. The Lord said that these ones were beautiful in His sight because of their absolute determination to complete the course set before them. He said when His people will become completely determined that He delights in them because they seek to fulfill His desires for them. The Lord said that far too many are double-minded, but that He finds no pleasure in them because they do not pursue the course of righteousness with determination.
Hardness Makes Men Grotesque
Today as I was praying, I saw men with grotesque faces. They had no joy upon their countenances but only hardness. As I inquired of the Lord He said that they were the ones who had departed from Him. He said that their ugly, grotesque faces were a reflection of where they lived. He said that the hardness upon their faces was their hardness of heart manifested. The Lord said that all who chose to live apart from Him, live in ugliness.
Two Roads
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, two roads. The first road was narrow and at the beginning was a small sign which read: The Way of Life. There were few travelers on that road. Then I saw another road which was much broader and it had a large sign which read: The Way of Death. There were many travelers on that road, they were bumping and jostling one another, because they were so crowded. As I inquired of the Lord He said that men are rushing down the road of death, and despising the road of life. He said that men literally choose their own destruction. He said also to note that each road bore the sign as to what it was but that the majority chose the death rather than the life.
Bucket With Holes
As I prayed this day I saw in vision a bucket that looked alright from the sides, but the bottom was rusted out and full of holes. A man came along and grabbed it, filled it with water. Then the water ran out onto the ground and was wasted. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that His people are fools as was the man for they pour out their lives for vanity and they are wasted as was the water poured into the bucket with holes. God wants us to pour our lives into Him and not into the world which is vanity and as useless as the bucket with holes.
Scanty Yield
Today as I was praying I saw in vision an orchard which although apparently well cared for, the trees had a very scanty yield. The orchard because it bore such a scanty yield of fruit was a complete disappointment. Then I saw another orchard in the same area, it bore abundant fruit. The Lord said that when His people bear little fruit they are like the first orchard, a great disappointment to Him. He said that He desires that His people would bear abundant fruit and be a blessing to His Kingdom.
Perverts in Hell
Today as I prayed I saw in vision vile, wicked, perverse men in tremendous torments. They were in the fires of hell–under great torture continually. They were screaming out in great pain, and they were snarling at one other in hatred and bitterness, blaming one another for the horror of their torments. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that these ones were perverts and while they had projected a false image of brotherhood and solidarity that they in fact were haters of each other and themselves. The Lord said their punishment was severe because they had committed abominations and recruited others to do likewise. He said that while they were professing that they were “gay” they had sought to take others into the same trap they are caught in. He said that because they had corrupted others, their punishment is greater.
Never to Return
Today as I prayed I saw in vision men and women in great anguish, crying out again and again, “Oh God let me return, let me return.” As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that these ones were in hell and they could never, ever return for they were sealed in their torments. The Lord said that they were begging to return to Him because they were backsliders who had known the truth but refused to walk in it. Part of their torment was that they had known the mercy and goodness of God, yet they had chosen evil. Therefore they would forever beg to return to God but it was too late! The Lord said that torment is much greater on those ones who have known the truth and turned away from the same.