As I prayed today I saw in vision multitudes in hell, screaming, cursing, groaning. They were declaring that they were God’s people and they did not deserve the treatment that they were getting. As I sought the Lord for understanding, He said that they were the disobedient children who had used His name in vain. He said that they had pursued their own lusts in the life on earth. He said they had lied to Him continually, promising obedience but never doing what they promised. He said that the disobedient will be in hell fire and that there is no escape for them. Many think simply because they name His name that they are acceptable to Him, but it is only the obedient who will enter in.
The Accusers
When I was praying today I saw in vision a great company of accusers. They yelled and screamed out their profane accusations continually. Finally they accused God, but to no avail as they were in the place of everlasting torments and no matter how much they accused, they were not released. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the ones who had lived in self-pity and self love and that their accusations were all because they never wanted to face themselves, therefore they were continually projecting the blame onto others, even God. Now, they were locked in with their accusations and they were forced to see that the blame was on them. This caused them much grief and heartache, increasing the torment they were in.
Continual Unrest or Continual Peace
When I was praying this day, I saw a people under great distress, continual unrest and tribulation coupled with sorrow. Then I saw another people who were covered in His glory, they were reflecting His continual peace. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that the first people were trusting in other gods and because of that they were overwhelmed. He said that the second people were trusting in Him and therefore they were brought forth in His glory and that they lived in His peace continually. He said that He will keep those in perfect peace who are stayed on Him.
Scurrying Like Rats
As I was praying this day I saw men and women scurrying like rats, running here, running there. Their heads were down, with no joy only despair. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that these are the ones who are bound by the cares of this life. He said that they were in that place because they have cast aside the hope. The Lord said that He desires His people to be free of such oppression and to come forth in His life. He said when those who are naming His name are living like scurrying rats they are actually shaming His name because they are discrediting Him and attributing all power to the cares of this life.
His Provision is Perfect
While in prayer this day, I saw in vision a beautiful field decked out in multi-colored wild flowers. There was a slight breeze blowing, warm and lovely sunshine and everything was in glorious array. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that this was His provision, all of the beauty, all of the flowers, all of the color that was there. Then I saw men who were horribly bound to the rudiments of this world, struggling for their daily bread. Then the Lord asked me, “If I may array these flowers of the field, cannot I array and provide for my people? Then the Lord said that His people are in bondage because the despise His provision, thinking they can do better for themselves. He said that they are fools because they take themselves into cruelty, into bondage, and live their days in anxious fear–when they could be trusting in Him and consequently anxious for nothing. He said that His provision is perfect.
Lamps Without Light
As I was in prayer this day, I saw in vision men holding lamps, but none of their lamps were aflame with light. They were all dead as far as shining forth any light at all. Then I saw a man with a lamp that was burning brightly. The light from his lamp shone forth brightly in the gross darkness. As I inquired the Lord told me that many of those who say that they are His, have lamps but no light is in those lamps. He said that they do not show the way to anyone. He said that the single man who was keeping his lamp burning with light was able to show forth the light unto many, and that in the darkness his light was great. He said those who claim to be His and are possessing the lamps with- out light are providing nothing for others.
His Light Remains
Today as I was praying, I saw in vision the sun resplendent in its rising, it was gloriously showing forth in a shining, beautiful skyscape of colors. I could see the promise of the blessing of its warmth as it came up to grace the early morning sky. Then I saw the artificiality of men’s lights, as I saw a view of city lights at night. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that none of man’s inventions shall ever surpass His sun, for it is His light that remains. He said that the lights of men go out, but that His light remains. So it is that the Spirit light remains and is sure in the heavenlies. He said that all of the artificial lights of men will burn out and be remembered no more, but that His light will remain forever.
Nothing Hidden From the Lord
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men who were wicked. They were very sinister and secretive, carrying out their schemes of wickedness. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they think they get by on Him but they do not. He said that there is nothing that is hidden from Him for He knows all that transpires upon the earth. He said that every plot of evil is before Him. He said that when men do great evil in secret, that their deeds are as plain as day before Him. Therefore He said it is foolishness to plot evil or wickedness and think we get by for every evil deed is revealed before the Lord.
Turning Back
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men in a long procession. They would move forward with what appeared to be great effort. Then as soon as the progress was made, they would turn back and run back to distances that were away from their goals. when I inquired of the Lord, He told me that so it is with the majority of His people, they turn around and run form the goal and literally oppose their ownselves. He said that He finds no pleasure in them because they do not press towards the mark of the prize that is in Jesus Christ the Lord. He said they bring their ownselves down and that their sufferings are not for the glory of His Kingdom but because of their own willfulness, stubbornness, and perpetual turning back.
Incandescent Light
As I was praying this day I saw in a vision men and women shining, their faces seemed to radiate with an incandescent light. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were the ones who had pursued the course of inward holiness and that because of that, even their countenances were shining forth with the glory of God. The Lord said that all of His people are meant to shine in such a way with His glory. He said that His people are literally meant to be the lights in a darkened world, continually showing forth the wondrous glory of the Living God. He said that His glory is shining forth through those who seek to purify themselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. He said that the incandescent light of His glory is meant to radiate for even the sinners to behold upon the faces of His true ones.
Sour, Bitter Faces
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men and women whose faces were drawn into bitter and sour modes. They were quite ugly to look at and as I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the ones who had refused the hope that is found in Him. He said that they actually loved the place of bitterness even though it was painful and ugly. He said that the reason that they loved such a place is that their dispositions were ugly towards God. He said that their report of Him was continually sour because they lived in the evil place of unbelief. The Lord said where they lived was visited upon their faces.
Fear Rather Than Faith
Today as I prayed I was shown by vision a habitation in hell where men and women were screaming, cursing, pleading, to be released. Each one was tormented by great and overwhelming fears, and their cries for deliverance were pleas to be saved from their fears. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that these ones were the fearful and that they were in this place because they had chosen fear rather than faith. He said that they had chosen to believe in fear rather than faith, and had believed lies instead of the truth which is given by the Lord. He also said that they were given in this place what they believed in and the same was their torment everyday. He said that we should take care what it is that we believe and hope in for the same shall determine our reward. He said that just as these fearful were locked in with their fears, because they refused to believe in God, so will others be given what they believe in. He said that we need to believe in Him and His goodness, in order to receive that.
Believing in Nothing
Today as I was praying I saw in vision people in great despair, shaking their heads in anguish, weeping sorely, believing in nothing. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they were the ones who had trusted in the cunningly devised fables of evil men and had been brought to ruin by such belief. But the Lord said that they loved to be deceived and that despair was their reward because they had hoped in something other than Him. He said that these ones who end up believing in nothing end up this way because they trust in the arm of flesh and take on the curse for the same. He said that He had tried on many occasions to present such ones the truth, but they rejected it in favor of folly and fables.
Small Flickers of Light
As I was praying this day I saw in vision darkness everywhere and abounding. It seemed as though gross darkness was enveloping the earth. Then I saw small flickers of light. As I asked the Lord what this meant, He told me that the flickers of light were the ones who had believed in Him and had kept their belief. He said that when they believed in Him and kept that belief that they would not be swallowed up by darkness but that they would prevail over all power of the enemy and remain in the light of the Lord even though the world was in gross darkness.
Bed of Ease
As I was praying this day I saw a large corpulent man obviously used to soft living and self indulgence wallowing himself on a large, luxurious bed, a bed of ease. In the meantime, thieves went throughout his house, stealing his valuables. As I inquired of the Lord He said that the man represented the modern church, living in self-indulgence and softness while laying on the “bed of ease” the thieves have come in and stolen everything. He said so it is that the church has been robbed of the true valuables in Christ. He said that while the church has wallowed herself on a luxurious bed of ease, living for self and in self indulgence, that the true treasures have been carried away by the thieves, leaving nothing of value behind.
Evil Reports Returned
Today as I was praying I saw in vision several men whose faces were long and dour, their mouths were turned down and their countenances were obviously fallen. The whole aura about them was despair and hopelessness. As I inquired of the Lord He said that they were the ones who give an evil report and bring the same evil down upon themselves. He said many live cursed lives because they refuse to receive the blessedness that He desires to give them. He said that through their own projection of evil, they receive evil into their bosoms and that evil is multiplied. He said that to give an evil report against Him is very serious because the evil will be visited upon the one making such claims against the Lord.
Today as I prayed, I saw in vision, a woman screaming and raging, declaring that she could not take or bear her circumstances any longer. Actually her circumstance would have seemed like heaven on earth to many who suffer acutely in this life–yet to her it was unbearable. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that she had created her own problems because of her stubbornness against Him. He said that her problems were the fruit of her wicked imagination against God. The Lord said that He never puts more on anyone than they can bear. When they imagine that things are unbearable, they are not abiding in Him and therefore create their own troubles.
Hiding Place
Today as I prayed, I saw in vision, a group of people in a small cabin. Outside of the cabin a violent storm raged, yet they were safe and secure, kept. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that He is our hiding place and He will keep us from the storms of life if we will continue to abide in the ark of safety of who He is. He said that just as those inside the cabin were kept during the storm so it is with us. We do not need to be overwhelmed and overtaken but we can come forth in His tender mercies that are provided as our shelter.
Trail to Life
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, a trail, a pathway leading up a mountain. It appeared as though many had deviated from the main trail as there were numerous small trails leading away from the main trail which was the way. These other trails were leading away from the main trail, but they were well worn and even as I gazed at them, they were full of those who had turned aside. When I inquired of the Lord, He told me that the majority would find a way other than His life which is only in His way. He said that these other trails will be full of fools who are going away from the life that is only found in Him. He said that His trail is indeed the one that leads to life eternal and that when we stay therein we shall live. All of the other trails are only leading to death and damnation.
Small Opening
When I was praying this day I saw in vision, a small opening. Two men were making their way towards the same. The first man was tremendously burdened as he had tried to bring everything he owned with him and he was very encumbered by the same, in fact he was actually prevented from entering because of the things which got in his way when he tried entering the small opening. Then I saw the second man who only carried one small bag with him. It was no trouble for him to enter and pass through the small opening and he did so with ease. Then as I inquired of the Lord, He said that His way is narrow and all of those who will walk therein must free themselves of the encumbrances of this life. The Lord said that we cannot take the world into the Kingdom of God. He said that those who love their things more than Him will not enter in and that they are not worthy.