Kings and Queens
This day as I prayed, I saw in a vision men and women who were attired as kings and queens. Yet as I looked closely I saw that their clothes were shabby and their crowns were corroded. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that such ones always had their own way which they considered of utmost importance, but they lost His way. His way is not the way of exaltation of self. But rather His way is the exaltation of His truth, light, and glory. When men and women glory in themselves, they glory in lies. Those who are kings and queens in this earth, even if by their own making, have only corruptible crowns and they will come to nothing.
Two Tongues
Today as I prayed, I saw a group of people who looked somewhat normal until you looked at their mouths. Their mouths were bulging as though they were on the verge of vomiting. Then when they opened their mouths their deformity was evident as they had two tongues. Somewhat shocked I inquired of the Lord and He told me that many are so marked because they allow themselves to believe lies rather than the truth. He said that He does not lead them but they are led by their own tongues and the lies they tell. He said that they are double tongued because they are double minded and that they are not acceptable to Him at all.
Loud and Ludicrous
As I prayed this day I saw in vision a group of people bragging and boasting on themselves. They were loud and ludicrous, insistent on attention and recognition. When I inquired of the Lord He said that they were lovers of themselves. He said they must continually be given recognition, praise, and attention because they thrive when self is exalted. He said that they hate to be abased and humbled and they also refuse to give the glory to God in any circumstance. He said they continue on in their own loud and ludicrous ways, exalting themselves. The Lord said that these ones are shameful and an abomination unto Him.
Distended Bellies
Today as I was praying I saw in vision men with huge, distended bellies. They were sweating and huffing because their bellies were so big that it made it hard for them to breath, to walk, etc. Then I saw children skinny, frail, malnourished, and weak. They had the despairing look of hunger, real hunger from literal lack of food. Yet the men who were so grossly overfed could have easily given something to the children and spared them such suffering as they were in the same proximity as the children. As I inquired of the Lord He told me the big bellied men were the shepherds who fed themselves but refused to feed His sheep. He said they would burn in hellfire for starving His children, His lambs while they themselves dined sumptuously and gluttonously. He said that the distended bellies of these gluttons would literally stand against them as their indictment of guilt when they stood before Him.
Empty Bread
This day as I prayed I saw in vision mounds and mounds of bread, all kinds of bread, all sizes, shapes, textures and colors. Then I saw men, women, and children all of whom had been and were eating the bread. Although there was a huge amount of bread available, those eating the bread looked as though they were in starvation. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were trying to fill themselves on empty bread and were likewise starving. He said that man was never intended to live by bread alone but by every word that comes from Him. He said that the consumption of bread does not bring life but it is His Spirit word that brings life. He said that many are dying of spiritual starvation in this generation because they have gone only for the carnal side of life and completely neglected the spiritual. He said that we need to feed our spirits and not our flesh, as our first priority, we need to feed on His word.
The Lazy Will Suffer
Today as I prayed I saw in vision a man living in a house that was somewhat shabby but had apparently been quite nice at one time. The man was shivering from cold and was very hungry. He gave the appearance of being in a great deal of misery and he looked pathetic. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that the man was a sluggard who had refused to plow and that therefore he had nothing to eat. The Lord said there are many now who are suffering from hunger (both natural and spiritual) because they are lazy. He said that they are like the man in the house, suffering because of their laziness. God does not want us to be lazy but rather to be diligent in Him and for His purpose.
Lovers of Money
As I prayed this day I saw men counting small stacks of paper, then banding the same together with great glee and greed on their faces. The look of them was really ugly and unclean. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were lovers of money and that to them, money had great importance, great value, but in the Lord’s eyes, they were merely counting, coveting, and drooling over meaningless stacks of paper. The Lord said that because these men loved money they had opened the door to all evil. He said that such men are fools because they pursue riches that are worthless. He also said that the men that I saw in the vision were men who had once served Him and sought His face but that they had been snared by the deceitfulness of riches.
Faces in the Mud
Today as I prayed I saw in a vision, people struggling to walk across a muddy field. They were under great difficulty, great strain. Some were falling down under the weight of the burdens they were carrying, others were slipping. None was making any progress due to the muddiness of the field and the cumbersome weight of their burdens. Some were so distraught that they had fallen with their faces in the mud, and they were unable to lift themselves in order to go further. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they carry their own burdens and that they had not released those burdens to Him. He said that some were under the burden of their sins, some were under false burdens, some were under the burdens of the cares of this life. But He said that all were weighed down unnecessarily and encumbered by the burdens that they carried. He said that when they hit the obstacle of the muddy field, they were unable to continue. He said that He wants us to cast our burdens on Him.
Today as I was praying I saw men standing outside where there were roads with signs that said, STOP. The signs didn’t make any sense as all of the roads were clear, the weather was fine, and it seemed as though there was no impending danger. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that the ones with the STOP signs were the ones who had stopped following Him. He said that they had yielded themselves to unbelief, to doubt, to fear and because of that they want to pull others into the same snare to get others to stop following the life found in the Lord. He said that within themselves they have figured out every justification for quitting, for stopping, but they are wrong and trying to influence others into the same wrong. He said that their hearts had become evil when they had stopped believing and trusting, and following Him.
Protection from the Storms
As I was praying this day I saw men and women in what appeared to be the aftermath of a great devastating storm. Many of them were in anguish for all they had was destroyed by the storm and they had been left destitute. Others had received physical injuries and were disabled as a consequence of the storm. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were fools because He had desired to call them in to provide protection for them from the storms, but that they had refused His marvelous protection over them. They had been greatly battered by the storms of life because they had not taken the provision of His protection. He said that He desires to be our refuge in times of storms and destruction. He said that if we will run into Him that we will be kept in His safety.
Aimless Wanderings
Today as I was praying, I saw in vision, vast multitudes who were wandering aimlessly about. No direction, no purpose, no goals were evident in their lives. As I sought the Lord, inquiring of Him, He said so are the multitudes in this generation who are without Him, their lives are aimless wanderings as they are without purpose, without goals, without vision. He said that they never really bring forth anything except vanity. The increase of such ones is His own leaders who have departed from Him and left the multitudes to be destroyed. He said the departure of His own from Him has caused many of the multitudes to be deteriorate and become empty, and they are among the aimless wanderers. He said that He made man in the beginning to be filled with His presence and direction.
Puff Heads
Today as I prayed, I saw many men and women with enlarged heads which appeared to be grotesquely puffy. This feature made them very ugly. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that these ones were proud and vainly puffed up in their carnal minds. He said that they were full of arrogance and conceit, imagining themselves to be something. He said the more that men are filled with delusion,, their puffier their heads become. The Lord then said “beware the leaven of pride”. He said that we should walk soberly, realizing our utter and complete need of God.
Wretchedly Poor
As I was praying this day I saw in vision a vast sea of people who were desperately poor. The essence of their poverty was heartbreaking. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that these are the ones who did not believe in Him. He said that they are wretchedly poor because they are destitute of the truth. He said that without His covering that men and women are naked, and exposed to every ungodly element. He said that they have no spiritual nourishment to cause them to be strong. Instead they live in a continual state of weakness. The Lord said that those who turn to Him will be made rich in the treasure of His Kingdom. He said the ones turning to Him will not be naked, but they will be clothed in His holiness. The Lord said to pray for these ones who are so poor, so naked, so wretched, that they would come unto the Lord and receive Jesus as their maker.
Elders Worshiping Idols
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, older men bowing themselves to idols–worshiping gods that were man-made. When I inquired of the Lord He said that these men were “elders” who had led His people astray. He said there are multitudes of them in this time who have turned to idols and bowed themselves unto the same. He said these “elders” have caused the sheep, and the lambs to be taken into captivity. He said the accountability of these “elders” will be great before Him. He said that these men are absolute failures in His eyes for they have turned aside and bowed unto idols.
Giant Pit
Today as I was praying I saw in a vision a giant pit from which there was no escaping. Men, women, and children were rushing towards the pit. Some were actually running, some were driving their cars, motorcycles, trucks, and even bicycles towards the pit. As they got to the pit, people were casting themselves down headlong into the same. They were not holding back at all, just plummeting themselves headlong into the pit. It was actually very disturbing. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were bringing their own destruction. He said so it is in this generation, men, women, and children are rushing to their destruction, their damnation. They are rushing to hell as though they are going to a great party. The wicked one has literally blinded their eyes and they are fools.
Clothed in Rags
When I was praying this day I saw in a vision a long line of people moving slowly, painfully as though they had been on a long trek. They were clothed only in rags and very few at that. They were indeed a pathetic lot. As I inquired of the Lord He said that they are the ones who refused to be clothed, covered in His righteousness. He said because of their stubbornness, they cause their own weariness and poverty. The Lord said it is their transgressions which cause their way to be so difficult. The Lord said that if they would but come to Him and seek for His way that they would find His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He said that the stubborn suffer, not in His will but in opposing His will. He said that their wills are in opposition because they yield to rebellion against God and they keep themselves literally clothed in rags and suffering in poverty.
Everything Except the Lord
Today as I was praying I saw in a vision, two groups of people. The first group was composed of a people who were full of pride. Their whole aura was that they had “everything” they had a banner which read, “We are God’s chosen.” Then I saw the second group. The essence of their presence was that of humility. They were on their knees crying out to God, praying to the Lord God Almighty. As I inquired of the Lord He said that the first ones He rejects because they do not want Him. The second ones, He goes unto because they cry out to Him. He said that they are hungry for the life that is found in Him.
The Way of Man is Confusion
When I was praying this day I saw in vision a maze of confusing roads, they twisted, intertwined, and went every which way. Then I saw a straight and narrow path. The Lord said,”this is my way, walk ye therein with the giving of thanks.” He said the way of men is confusion, delusion, and death. Yet men think their way is truly living. How deceived they are for they follow after vanity and vexation. He said that if we follow Him there is no confusion nor delusion but only sobering truth. He said that His way leads us to life eternal, not a twisted maze that ends in hell fire.
Hollow Words
This day as I was praying I saw two men both professing to be followers of Jesus. The first man put on a good outward display, in fact better than the second. But his words were hollow. The second man was not showy, nor impressive in the flesh yet his words were real strong and sure. I inquired of the Lord–He said the first man was refusing to face his inward enemies. The Lord said he had a form of godliness but was denying the power because he was refusing to fight the inward battle. The Lord said that the second man was carrying on the inward campaign against the enemies within and was therefore victorious. The Lord said that he was being made real and therefore his words were not hollow but they were real because his testimony was sure.
Man’s Way Brings Destruction
This day as I was praying I saw in vision a scene of great destruction and devastation. Yet, men and women were carrying on in great debauchery, making fools of themselves. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that the scene was representative of the consequence of men having their own way, whereby they bring about destruction and devastation. The continuing debauchery is how they have destroyed everything and yet they continually repeat it, and go on and on it their wicked ways. He said that the inevitable end of a man’s own way is destruction.