But What Of Those “Peaceful” Muslims?
ISLAM IS ISLAM. The Quran/Hadith remain eternally as they are…and ALL Muslims are obligated BY LAW to fight: “You shall conquer many lands and Allah will grant you victory over your enemies in battle, but NONE OF YOU should stop PRACTICING for WAR” (MO 20, 4712). So, my dear liberal Christians, my dear peaceful Muslims, what of this hadith? Fighting in jihad is COMMANDED/DEMANDED for ALL Muslims (except the sick or crippled)!
After giving the above hadith, Muhammad followed up with: “Not equal are those believers (Muslims) who sit at home and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah” (Bukhari [B] Vol 6, Bk 60, [6.]118).
Hell For The Kafirs
TAKE HEED AMERICAN SOLDIERS: “The man who fights so that Islam should DOMINATE is the man who fights for Allah’s cause” (B 4, 52, 65). Warning: in B 4, 52, 72 Muhammad said that “any holy warrior killed will go to paradise” (where beautiful huris [virgins, 72 in all] await them). Umar asked Muhammad, “Is it true that Muslims killed in battle will go to paradise and kafirs (non-Muslims) who are killed in battle will go to Hell?” Muhammad said, “Yes.”
Is it any wonder that these Islamic boys/men fight in jihad? B 4, 52, 142 tells us that doing “jihad,” even for one day, puts a Muslims in paradise. What of the females (girls/women now used as human bombs)? Well, the Quran says that Hell will be populated mostly by females! No reward for them; no 72 virgin men in Paradise for them! Tell me, ladies of the West, why do you want to become a Muslim??
Could Islamic Jihad Break Out In America?
THE STANCE on Muslims concerning the U.S. is one that has been underway now for years. They openly brag about flying their black flag of DEATH over this nation!
There are three steps for the takeover to be complete:
The first two are already complete.
[Note: The observation of this rule is probably why the thousands of Islamic Jihadists right now in the US seem extremely peaceful–at the moment!]
Islamic Groups
THERE ARE DOZENS of Muslim groups working in the U.S. to overthrow it. To get a handle on what I speak of, try to get hold of “Muslim Mafia” by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry, 422 pages of information. The main group is from the belly of the BEAST—Counsel on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The FBI says that these Muslims are “good” at what they do. Their penetration/infiltration has cut deep into U.S. politics.
Secret U.S. Brotherhoods are a deadly foe. Under former prez Obama, these sickos dug deep into U.S. policies—with his full approval.
Infiltration is the key to the Brotherhood’s massive SUBVERSIVE movement. They are already decades old. When detected, they, along with the liberal media, scream “Islamophobia” (CAIR, having the loudest voice).
So, groups like CAIR, MPAC, MAS and IIAMA (Islamic Institute and American Muslim Alliance) are SWORN ENEMIES of America and its citizens. The American Muslim Task Force on Civil Rights and Elections was formed to promote candidates into public office.
Finishing Up
LISTED BELOW are 13 Doctrines of Radical Islam (which ISIS operated by). Get a Quran and check off the suras as I present them:
13 Doctrines Of Radical Islam And ISIS From The Quran :
1. YOU CAN rape, marry and divorce pre-pubescent girls (Quran 65:4).
2. You can enslave for sex and work (Quran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30).
3. You can beat sex slaves, work slaves, and wives (Quran 4:34).
4. You will need 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove a rape (Quran 24:4).
5. Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay Jizya tax (Quran 9:29).
6. Crucify and amputate non-Muslims (Quran 8:12, 47:4).
7. You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in heaven (Quran 9:111).
8. You will kill anyone who leaves Islam (Quran 2:217, 4:89).
9. You will behead non-Muslims (Quran 8:12, 47:4).
10, You will kill and be killed for Allah (Verse of the sword, Quran 9:5).
11. You will terrorize non-Muslims (Quran 8:12, 8:60).
12. Steal from non-Muslims (Quran chapter 8, booty/spoils of war).
13. Lie to strengthen Islam (Taqiyya deception, Quran 3:26, 3:54, 9:3, 16:106, 40:28).