By: Gen. Jim — 12/21/18
In military language, “Point Man” was/is a soldier who is front-and-center in a military operation (MO). During my day during the Vietnam war (“in country”, SE Asia in Indochina; Hanoi; divided 1954-75 into the independent states of N. Vietnam; Saigon was capitol of S. Vietnam), the PM was THE MAN who was the eyes and ears of the ops. In political/social languages, PM (or point woman) is a principle spokesman/woman or advocate.
As I write, the BIG breaking news is that Prez Trump had declared that the WAR aganist ISIS (jihadists) HAS BEEN WON! What? No one believe this. Pulling out the remaining US troops (2,000 plus) is said to be a BIG mistake. I’m not getting into all the pros/cons of this tweet, but I will tell my readers that this will empower the Islamic militants. One only has to study their Quran/Hadith to see that, at front-and-center is the SWORD to spread Islam (see my many published booklets/magazines/DVDS – free). This is not to say that all Muslims are violent, but their books do teach jihad, i.e. “Holy war.” There are over 100 surahs (chapters/verses) that teach and praise physical jihad.
ISIS IS the PM of Islam. They are truculent, i.e. aggressive, believing “jihad” is eternal obligatory, i.e. eternally binding upon every Muslim. But there are many nuances on just how to carry out jihad. Too many westerners are incredulous to this fact. ISIS is the “Point-of-the-Spear,” virulent, reprehensible, who adhere to the “aphrodisiac” principle, i.e. “Power is the greatest of all.” Aphrodisiac (noun) means an agent that excites sexual desire. Putting this into a jihad term, to make non-Muslims submit to Islam or DIE! Represents a power that excites blood lust and cruelty. Murdering and torturing people excites!!
Surah 47:4 commands jihad FOREVER by Allah. While the Quran had many good things written, there are many surahs that promote jihad without apology.
“Islam” literally means “submission to the will of Allah,” even the surahs that command jihad. Mohammad commanded jihad; Jesus commanded us to love our enemies.
Even if ISIS/Al-Queda etc. is obliterated, there will be other “PM ops” raised up to fulfill surah 47:4 et al.
I have personally seen jihad in operation in Jos, Nigeria, W. Africa: 35 churches burnt, 6 mosques burnt, and 5,000 Christians killed (never found out how many Muslims died). Militant Islam, according to ISIS, “Truth conquers all things” (Latin: “Vincit omnia veritas”).